Answers from the community about Reference

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Cannot Manually Select the Referenced Document within the Studio6Nov 21, 2020
Next.js - How to Test a Build Locally to Detect Differences4Nov 10, 2020
Anyone who could help me out with sanity/mux?6Nov 3, 2020
Are there some limitations on -> when nested like this?14Oct 23, 2020
Unknown type: svgUploadPreview. Valid types are: page, goal, array...5Oct 19, 2020
Is there a way to resolve a reference in a custom validation?11Oct 14, 2020
How to grab image metadata from images inserted into Content blocks?8Sep 28, 2020
What is the best way to validate that e.g. a title for a document is unique within its type?6Sep 21, 2020
how to limit a reference to just one entry in Studio reference input side versus the default as-many-entries-as-you-fill-in-an-array...4Sep 18, 2020
I'm having a issue with deploying graphql query something about top level schema error.12Sep 12, 2020
How do I make a patch request to a document to change its type? This is resulting in an error Cannot modify immutable attribu...12Sep 11, 2020
Is there a way to get the key in an array when resolving the references?7Sep 10, 2020
How to Filter Query Results by a Property that is a Reference4Sep 7, 2020
How to Create a Download URL For Files11Sep 5, 2020
How to create a new document inside an array in Sanity27Sep 4, 2020
How to Add an Image to a Payload11Aug 17, 2020
How to preview content inside a reference array in Sanity.io4Aug 14, 2020
Array of References as Field of an Object - How to Preview the Content Inside the Reference3Aug 14, 2020