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How to Add an Image to a Payload

10 replies
Last updated: Aug 17, 2020
I am able to send some data to sanity via this https://www.sanity.io/docs/js-client and the create function I want to add an image, it is by url this is what I have so far
          _type: "products",
          name: payload.data.object.name,
          sku: payload.data.object.id,
          price: payload.data.object.price,
          image: payload.data.object.images[0],
do I need to upload the image or is there a way to add it with create?
Aug 17, 2020, 8:39 PM
a URL?If so you need to upload that file to sanity first then use the returned object as your
data. Here's an example https://www.sanity.io/guides/guide-importing-data-from-external-sources#importing-assets-images-and-files-e6b7d1e8a150
Aug 17, 2020, 8:51 PM
ok thanks that's the case I will try this out
Aug 17, 2020, 8:54 PM
user J
after trying this I get
Content has invalid type: sanity.imageAsset
and the current value looks like this

  "_id": "image-9b609eb04af8b75c6d445c802ddaed1364893564-371x757-png",
  "_type": "sanity.imageAsset",
  "assetId": "9b609eb04af8b75c6d445c802ddaed1364893564",
  "extension": "png",
  "metadata": {
    "_type": "sanity.imageMetadata",
    "dimensions": {
      "_type": "sanity.imageDimensions",
      "aspectRatio": 0.4900924702774108,
      "height": 757,
      "width": 371
    "hasAlpha": true,
    "isOpaque": true,
    "lqip": "",
    "palette": {
      "_type": "sanity.imagePalette",
      "darkMuted": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#717171",
        "foreground": "#fff",
        "population": 1.7,
        "title": "#fff"
      "darkVibrant": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#424242",
        "foreground": "#fff",
        "population": 0,
        "title": "#fff"
      "dominant": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#717171",
        "foreground": "#fff",
        "population": 1.7,
        "title": "#fff"
      "lightMuted": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#bcbcbc",
        "foreground": "#000",
        "population": 1.34,
        "title": "#fff"
      "lightVibrant": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#bcbcbc",
        "foreground": "#000",
        "population": 0,
        "title": "#fff"
      "muted": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#848484",
        "foreground": "#fff",
        "population": 0.84,
        "title": "#fff"
      "vibrant": {
        "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
        "background": "#7f7f7f",
        "foreground": "#fff",
        "population": 0,
        "title": "#fff"
  "mimeType": "image/png",
  "originalFilename": "9b609eb04af8b75c6d445c802ddaed1364893564-371x757.png",
  "path": "images/9pb8ktqh/production/9b609eb04af8b75c6d445c802ddaed1364893564-371x757.png",
  "sha1hash": "9b609eb04af8b75c6d445c802ddaed1364893564",
  "size": 50712,
  "uploadId": "iIit9c6kVfX0QnbI0JYuMdUHHJ5NwpXV",
  "url": "<https://cdn.sanity.io/images/9pb8ktqh/production/9b609eb04af8b75c6d445c802ddaed1364893564-371x757.png>"
any idea what's going on
Aug 17, 2020, 9:12 PM
Sorry, my bad. You image data should be reference to the image asset. So this should do it:
  _type: "image"
   _ref: "the-_id-of-the-returned-asset"
Aug 17, 2020, 9:16 PM
I've done something like this there is already a _type: "products in the create
        .then((res) => res.buffer())
        .then((buffer) => client.assets.upload("image", buffer))
        .then(async (assetDocument) => {
          const result = await client
              _type: "products",
              name: payload.data.object.name,
              sku: payload.data.object.id,
              price: payload.data.object.price,
              image: assetDocument,
            .then(() => ({
              statusCode: 200,
              body: payload.message,
            .catch((error) => ({
              statusCode: 422,
              body: `Oops! Something went wrong. ${error}`,
Aug 17, 2020, 9:19 PM
do I do a second create with the image type and add those references, so no need to place the current create inside the fetch.
Aug 17, 2020, 9:20 PM
image: {
  _type: "image"
   _ref: assetDocument._id
should do it then
Aug 17, 2020, 9:21 PM
ok great ill try that thanks
Aug 17, 2020, 9:22 PM
Awesome worked thanks
Aug 17, 2020, 9:27 PM
Aug 17, 2020, 9:32 PM

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