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Answers from the community about Images

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Is it possible to have a drop down that present a choice between two different types? Like a string and an image? Wouldit...3Feb 3, 2021
Hi again, I'm currently working on my blog and realized that the text blocks aren't rendering properly in block-content-to-react....9Feb 1, 2021
Create an Array With Two Types - Mixing Primitive Types23Jan 29, 2021
Filtering a reference list with a dynamic filter in Sanity.io13Jan 28, 2021
I just encountered this error when trying to create an array with two types. Is this not possible, or am I doing something...2Jan 27, 2021
I've noticed I can add a preview to an image type but it only pulls data from the settings field name in the fields[] within...15Jan 27, 2021
Problems with locale fields Working with localization, and first tried the intl-plugin, but couldn't get it to work, so...5Jan 27, 2021
Uploading an image as an asset from a URL and using createIfNotExists and createOrReplace in the Sanity API.14Jan 27, 2021
Adding code formatting plugin to BlockContent field type in Sanity.io23Jan 26, 2021
Hey! We're fetching responsive images from <http://cdn.sanity.io|cdn.sanity.io> using `@sanity/image-url` to generate query...2Jan 21, 2021
I’m experiencing an error when trying to deploy `sanity graphql deploy` and getting this error point towards a node_module ```import...18Jan 16, 2021
Hej, I am creating slideshow module in sanity, but I get this error: ```An error occured: Invalid item type: "[object Object]"....2Jan 6, 2021
I can't find the edit button to edit the image... can someone help?6Dec 31, 2020
How to upload and get URLs for multiple images in Sanity, and add captions to individual images.11Dec 18, 2020
How to Enable Multi-Select for Image Upload11Dec 18, 2020
Issue with custom input field schema in Sanity, resolved by importing custom type in schema.js4Dec 14, 2020
Is there a way to override the hotspot and crop for previews?4Dec 4, 2020
How do I render the image in Sanity blockcontent into a custom image component?5Nov 28, 2020