Answers from the community

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Best practices for using image sizes in React projects with Sanity.io4May 21, 2020
How to visually format custom styles in Sanity's block content/richtext editor field.10May 20, 2020
How Can I Format Text in the Block Content Editor to Reflect the Custom Style?10May 20, 2020
How to render a special formatted inline text in blockContent in Sanity.io23May 19, 2020
Latest version of Sanity causing issue with missing wrapper/padding element3May 19, 2020
Previewing Drafts in the Studio - Is it Possible?2May 19, 2020
Sanity and Next.js Automatic Static Optimization5May 18, 2020
Discussion on converting markdown to HTML and importing to Sanity34May 18, 2020
Migrating from Ghost: Problem Solving34May 18, 2020
Managing files in Sanity Studio and GraphQL API5May 17, 2020
Extracting referenced images from an object array in Sanity.io4May 17, 2020
Changing icon for singleton `siteSettings` in Sanity Studio.5May 17, 2020
Change the icon for my singleton SiteSettings4May 17, 2020
Updated Schema Field Name - How to Delete Property with the Old Name3May 17, 2020
How to define schema for site settings in Sanity Studio7May 17, 2020
How to define schema for deskStructure in Sanity.io6May 17, 2020
404 Status Code - Is there a Way to Change the Status Code?2May 16, 2020
Questions about storage location and installation options for Sanity.io3May 16, 2020