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Answers from the community about Schema

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

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Techniques for creating and populating Sanity schemas with example content using Faker.js and CLI.7Dec 15, 2020
Issue with custom input field schema in Sanity, resolved by importing custom type in schema.js4Dec 14, 2020
Hey! When after creating a new project `sanity init` (with empty schema), I get this error when I run `sanity start` : ```Warning...7Dec 10, 2020
Is there any way to edit the text in studio for the Add-button in an array?5Dec 7, 2020
How to Edit the Text in Studio for the Add-Button in an Array5Dec 7, 2020
Is there a way to set a default sort ordering in your documents?16Dec 2, 2020
I'm hoping for a bit of schema setup/structure guidance.3Nov 17, 2020
i am currently trying to create a new dataset for each localized language , ie. spanish, russian. how can i get a studio...9Nov 17, 2020
How to set studio hostname via API?8Nov 13, 2020
Is there a way to insert a custom component between two fields in schema?7Nov 9, 2020
Anyone who could help me out with sanity/mux?6Nov 3, 2020
Is it possible to fetch more than one "_type" using GROQ?5Nov 2, 2020
Unknown type: svgUploadPreview. Valid types are: page, goal, array...5Oct 19, 2020
Is there a way to resolve a reference in a custom validation?11Oct 14, 2020
Troubleshooting array of references in Sanity schema and query44Oct 2, 2020
disable the publish button for a subset of users while still allowing them to edit the content?3Sep 17, 2020
I'm having a issue with deploying graphql query something about top level schema error.12Sep 12, 2020
How do I make a patch request to a document to change its type? This is resulting in an error Cannot modify immutable attribu...12Sep 11, 2020