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Answers from the community about Images

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

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TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
How to improve image loading with Gatsby and gatsby-plugin-sanity-image?10Nov 27, 2020
How to Improve Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) with Gatsby10Nov 27, 2020
I'm hoping for a bit of schema setup/structure guidance.3Nov 17, 2020
Does anybody know how to show image caption in the BlockContent?4Nov 17, 2020
Anyone who could help me out with sanity/mux?6Nov 3, 2020
Hi. Specific to `file` types like PDF, does Sanity Studio offer the ability to generate a thumbnail of the PDF, similarto...4Oct 23, 2020
How to use a Custom Domain Name for the CDN7Oct 20, 2020
Unknown type: svgUploadPreview. Valid types are: page, goal, array...5Oct 19, 2020
Attaching images to Sanity editor using generated blobs6Oct 8, 2020
How to Attach a Blob of Image to the Editor6Oct 8, 2020
How to grab image metadata from images inserted into Content blocks?8Sep 28, 2020
Is there a way to conditionally render fields in a document?4Sep 25, 2020
Understanding how to use hotspot crop on images in Sanity.io3Sep 15, 2020
How to view and delete images using the media plugin4Sep 14, 2020
I'm having a issue with deploying graphql query something about top level schema error.12Sep 12, 2020
How to Set Aspect Ratios on Images?6Sep 7, 2020
How to Create a Download URL For Files11Sep 5, 2020
Is it Possible to Perform a Slice based on a Value Received in the Same Query?9Aug 28, 2020