Answers from the community about Reference

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Filtering a reference list with a dynamic filter in Sanity.io13Jan 28, 2021
I've noticed I can add a preview to an image type but it only pulls data from the settings field name in the fields[] within...15Jan 27, 2021
Adding code formatting plugin to BlockContent field type in Sanity.io23Jan 26, 2021
Issue with untitled references in Sanity schema resolved with upgrade to v2.1.639Jan 15, 2021
Array of References Showing as Untitled When New References Added37Jan 15, 2021
The `sanity-plugin-mux-input` has stopped working, and our customer is now completely unable to add new content (as thewhole...17Jan 13, 2021
Is there an easy way to get the reference data in a deeply nested component? I have a list of different components, some...4Jan 6, 2021
I'm still trying to work out how to write a subquery that pulls in references that are based on the parent query. My original...5Jan 5, 2021
is it possible to filter child elements in a query? e.g. in the query below I’d like to return only documents where `deleted...9Jan 4, 2021
Is it possible to have a `type: array`, of more than one entry for `type: reference` ? I kept getting an error that pointed...13Dec 31, 2020
Can you have multiple "type: reference" entries in an array in 31, 2020
Bidirectional references and custom input components for managing many-to-many relationships in Sanity13Dec 31, 2020
Hi, I need help with Iframe preview, I have a `route` schema with unique `slug` (`/lb/123`) and also I have `page` schema...10Dec 21, 2020
`slug` is `undefined` when I track mark and children from internalLink5Dec 14, 2020
Issue with custom input field schema in Sanity, resolved by importing custom type in schema.js4Dec 14, 2020
Using groq is there a way to resolve all references inside your data no matter how deep?5Dec 3, 2020
Is there a way to set a default sort ordering in your documents?16Dec 2, 2020
Is there a way to query documents that aren’t referenced by another type of document?7Nov 23, 2020