Rune Botten
I find solutions
Rune is located at San Francisco
How to group documents by their publishedAt year using the Structure Builder API
import S from '@sanity/desk-tool/structure-builder'
import client from 'part:@sanity/base/client'
export default () =>
.title('Posts by year')
.child(() => {
const type = 'post'
return client.fetch('* [_type == $type && defined(publishedAt)] {_id, _type, publishedAt}', {
.then(docs => {
// Create a map of years
const years = {}
docs.forEach(d => {
const date = new Date(d.publishedAt)
const year = date.getFullYear()
if (!years[year]) { years[year] = [] }
return S.list()
.title('Posts by year')
Object.keys(years).map(year => {
return S.listItem()
.title(`Posts from ${year}`)
.filter(`_id in $ids`)
.params({ ids: years[year] })
This example shows how you can use the Structure Builder API to group documents by year based on a date field (like publishedAt
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