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Custom default desk pane

By Rune Botten

An example of overriding the default Studio Desk pane to add some business logic around menu items.


// An example of overriding the default Studio Desk pane to add some business logic around menu items.
// You'll need to tell the studio to use this implementation instead of the built-in DefaultPane by adding the following to your sanity.json parts array
      "implements": "part:@sanity/components/panes/default",
      "path": "./customDefaultDeskPane.js"

import React, {
  useEffect, useState
} from 'react'
import DefaultPane from '@sanity/components/lib/panes/DefaultPane' // The component we are replacing (wrapping, actually)
import client from 'part:@sanity/base/client'

const CustomPane = (props) => {
  const [groups, setGroups] = useState([])

  useEffect(() => {
    // Get the current users groups.
    // NOTE: The user will need read access to the "system.group" documents in
    // order to figure out which groups they are a part of. If they don't have
    // access to read those documents, we can never determine membership, so all
    // relevant groups should be given the 'read' grant for type 'system.group'
    // in the case of custom access control. If you do not have custom access
    // control set up, you can instead of querying for these documents:
    // import userStore from 'part:@sanity/base/user'
    // and check the 'role' property of the user returned from the
    // userStore.currentUser observable.
    client.fetch('* [_type == "system.group" && $identity in members] {_id}')
      .then(groups => setGroups(groups.map(g => g._id)))
  }, [])

  // Default is to show no menu items, until we can inspect the
  // roles (groups) the user is a part of.
  let menuItems = []
  if (groups.length) {
    // In this example, we check if the user is a member of a
    // specific group with _id '_.groups.administrator'.
    if (groups.includes('_.groups.administrator')) {
      // Since the user is a part of this group, use the standard menuItems,
      // which will include "Create new…"
      menuItems = props.menuItems
    } else {
      // Filter out any actions you don't want to expose to the users who
      // do not match the group check above. This can be the standard Create New
      // action (item with intent.type === 'create'), but could also be initial
      // value template actions etc. Inspect and adjust the code as needed.
      menuItems = props.menuItems.filter(item => {
        if (item.intent) return item.intent.type !== 'create'
        return true
  // Use the standard DefaultPane and give it our manually changed menuItems
  return <DefaultPane {...props} menuItems={menuItems} />

CustomPane.propTypes = DefaultPane.propTypes
CustomPane.defaultProps = DefaultPane.defaultProps

export default CustomPane

Sometimes you want to control the default desk pane, that is, the first view after logged into the studio, depending on what group or role someone is in. This code uses the parts system to override the default behavior to return the default pane with certain menu items.


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