Vienna Hotel

By Max Böck & Codista

Multi-Language Website for Hauspension, an Apartment Hotel in Vienna, Austria.

Room pages feature a flexible image gallery in a lightbox
the booking tool integrates seamlessly into the website
an interactive map guides guest to the location
Studio is customized to fit the client's data structures and branding
Preview pane shows live updates of CMS data changes

About the project

New website for the Vienna-based Hotel "Hauspension", made by the team at Codista. The site is built with Eleventy and hosted on Cloudflare pages.

  • flexible content editing with custom content types
  • multi-language support
  • integrated room booking engine
  • lightning-fast performance
  • mobile optimized and accessible



Codista is a team of web development experts building custom digital products

Codista is located at Vienna, Austria
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