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By Roboto Studio

Nottingham UX powerhouse gets an overhaul with Sanity

Every page on the site is built with a page builder showcasing a range of different elements. Even the footer can be tweaked and changed.
Homepage and contact form, with overlapping content, every element visible is built with a page builder, tested responsively and accessible
Fully editable navigation, with the ability to generate multi step mobile navigation
Description text to help clients fully flesh out their SEO with warning text if there's a large number of characters
Real time preview - Anything you edit within Sanity shows you the updated content in real time... For bonus points: the website is render as SSG, but because of Next.js preview capabilities, all the content shown in preview is dynamic and in real time

About the project

We worked with Phil from Userfy to upgrade his previous website to be a fully fledged page builder experience. We wanted to ensure he could dynamically generate PPC pages, tweak menus and run user testing throughout.

They were blown away by how intuitive the editing experience was, the ability to spin up a full page within only half an hour, and onboard editors with very little previous CMS experience.


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