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Next.js 12 + Sanity.io + Sanity Studio + NPM boilerplate

Modern Next.js and Sanity boilerplate ready for development ad deployment

About the project

The modern approach for starting Next.js 12 and Sanity.io project without using Lerna and vercel.json

This boilerplate facilitates using monorepo with dependencies from both Next.js 12 and Sanity.io for the development stage. Only NPM 7 Workspaces is used (no Lerna).

In the production stage, only Next.js app is built while Sanity.io Studio is hosted on Sanity.io cloud. The Sanity.io hosted version of the studio is accessible through URL https://your-address.com/admin.

The project is ready for local development and deployment (e.g. on Vercel).

More information is to be found in README.md on GitHub repo.