English dictionary web app developed in react.js
English dictionary web app developed in react.js

Project Shots
About the project
English dictionary web app developed in react.js
Demo: https://webapps-b7f67.web.app/endict
Screenshot: http://webapps-b7f67.web.app/endictionary.png
Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLDcgignnFA
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samir38
Use desktop browser for better user experience.
ā get definition from word
ā text to speech from word
ā get definition from synonym (synonym hyperlinked in word definition section)
ā get definition from each word within definition (if definition available for that word, need to enable from settings)
ā get alphabetical paginated word list
ā bookmark word / delete bookmarked word / clear all bookmarked words
ā get suggested words from all words, bookmarked word, suggested word, synonym, definition word, URL params (Customizable from settings)
ā get definition from url params (?word=test)
ā hide/show bookmarked, suggested word sections from settings
ā jump to show searched / clicked word in alphabetical paginated word list
ā get search word history
ā get random word
ā clear and pause search word history from settings
ā Included hindi & gujarati languages definition for major words (Need to enable from settings)
ā select voice for pronunciation from settings
Use desktop browser for better user experience.