Kult Byrå
Design agency from Norway that fight the digital boredom of the world
Podcast and tools to help children deal with emotions – or "the dragons in their belly"
Drage i magen is a Norwegian podcast and set of tools to help parents teach their children about emotions – and how to deal with them. The website was made with Sanity and NextJS by Kult Byrå. A digital agency located in Oslo, Norway.
The project was based on the starter template "Next.js Blog with Comments"
Design agency from Norway that fight the digital boredom of the world
Using Sanity to present and let participants book courses.
Go to KursjenteneThe young liberal party in Norway.
Go to Unge VenstreA branding and digital design agency located in Oslo, Norway.
Go to Kult ByråHelping landlords and tenants resolve conflicts with this accessible website.
Go to Husleietvistutvalget