🎤 Builder Talk: The Story Behind Lady Gaga’s Digital Experience – Register now


By Kevin Green

Craft a unique online experience that is reflective of the fun and uniqueness of this child focused reusable, compostable, refillable brand.

The world building taxonomy structure
Inside on of the worlds we have editorialized product merchandising and filtering custom to that world
Product landing with colors disguised as variants, they're actually different products in the world with unique PDPs when navigating
Every world-product has a fragrance, these are set up as modular blocks that can easily be associated across similar products
No gross-stuff + ingredients are global blocks that can be added at the product level
Custom TV experience, allows for shows, channels and commercials all powered by sanity, set the lander + time loop to create an automated tv-like experience
interactive ingredient index that's visual by default, switch between filters, sorting and even search powered by algolia
Customized the desk structure to ensure client could quickly navigate needed requirements prior to product publication
Individual products have modular extendibility, worlds, collections, upsells etc.
Core pages are very modular, I try to service nested data in the preview cards to allow for quick at a glance information, also used the desk builder to bubble up core pages in the Sanity UI
The global settings include Menus, Icons, Gross Stuff, and the Search pages
Individual ingredients also have modular components when navigating directly to them.
At a glance view of part of a commercial in the backend, including stickers, runtime and graphic associations
Collections organized by world, show the difference in the taxonomy structure between the traditional CLP pages in the system

About the project

I worked closely with the branding/design team as well as the Allkinds team to help define the functionality as well as complex data structure. The site which is at it's core a Shopify experience, stitches many additional metafields together in the Sanity sync to link products together to craft the unique world building of the Allkinds product offering.

Sanity allowed us to create these multi-tiered taxonomy structures and clean up the data coming from the PIM solution to allow for an easy and modular editing experience. Using Sanity & Gatsby we were able to achieve many things:

  • A modular system for extending products, collections, and general marketing pages
  • Easily linking products from similar worlds when necessary through a Shopify→Sanity powered sync integration
  • Using GROQ we created very flexible merchandising from not displaying products without prices/images to giving the client toggles in the backend to quick unmerchandise/remove items
  • Easily sync'd data into Algolia for granular search ranking
  • Editorial style merchandising of collection landing experiences, to allow for really custom customer experiences as opposed to the traditional grid.
  • custom TV player powered by Youtube + Sanity, has commercials that you can also build inside of the Sanity studio
  • Rich Ingredient index, these ingredients are both associated to individual products as well as indexable/searchable in the Ingredient database

The framework of choice was Gatsby built on top of the Midway baseplate, it allowed us to quickly scale of core features so we could focus on the larger complexities. Theres a number of other technologies including full fledged accounts, Multi-pass customer sessions, custom gift card integration and look up, direct integration to store locations/availability.


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