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Last updated July 16, 2024

Validation Helpers

By Hex Digital & Jamie Warburton

Ever needed to validate a field only when another field has a certain value? Or run validate on two fields if neither have a value?

This portable validation helper library can sort things out in a jiffy.

Sanity Studio provides the ability to set validation rules on document types and fields. Field-level validation applies to specific fields, and gives your editors clear reasoning as to why validation failed and why.

Some validation rules are so common, they're built-in, and can be easily written as required:

  name: 'title',
  type: 'string',
  validation: (rule) => rule.required(),

Whereas others are more custom, and need to be written as such:

  name: 'postal',
  title: 'Postal Code',
  type: 'string',
  validation: (rule) =>
    rule.custom((postal) => {
      if (typeof postal === 'undefined') {
        return true; // Allow undefined values
      const regex = /([ABCEGHJ-NPRSTVXY]\d[A-Z])[\s\-]?(\d[A-Z]\d)/gi;
      return regex.test(postal) ? true : 'Not a valid postal code';

Often, we find we're using the same custom validation rules, so it can help to have a library of validation helpers. These can then be used and re-used across multiple projects.

Below is a list of validation helpers that can be copied into your project.

import { ValidationContext } from 'sanity';

const stringIsSlug = /^[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*$/;

 * Custom validations for use in your sanity schema field validations.
 * All validations are wrapped in a function that allows them to be passed via rule.custom().
 * They all come with a default error message which can be overridden in the function parameters.
 * E.G.
 * defineField({
 *   name: 'url',
 *   type: 'string',
 *   validation: (rule) => rule.custom(validUrl('URL is not valid, try again')).warning(),
 * })
 * defineField({
 *   name: 'publishedAt',
 *   type: 'datetime',
 *   validation: (rule) => rule
 *     .custom(validPostTimestamps('updatedAt', 'after', undefined, 'Published At', 'Updated At'))
 *     .error(),
 * })

 * Only run validation when parent field is of a certain value.
 * Pass `true` to `not` parameter to only run validation when a parent field is NOT of a certain value.
 * Accepts a single value or an array of values to compare to, and makes a strict comparison.
 * Returns passed validator function if parent matches any value given in array of values, otherwise `true`.
 * e.g. validation: (rule) =>
 *        rule.custom(
 *          onlyWhenParentIs(
 *            'linkType',
 *            'internal',
 *            matchesRegex(
 *              urlAnchorOrParameters,
 *              'Must start with # or ? and be of valid form, e.g. "#anchor?campaign=track&value=score"',
 *            ),
 *          ),
 *        ),
export function onlyWhenParentIs(
  parentName: string,
  parentValue: any | Array<any>,
  validator?: any,
  not: boolean = false,
) {
  return function onlyWhenParentIsValidator<RuleType>(
    value: RuleType,
    context: ValidationContext,
  ) {
    let shouldValidate = Array.isArray(parentValue)
      ? parentValue.includes((context.parent as Record<string, any>)?.[parentName])
      : (context.parent as Record<string, any>)?.[parentName] === parentValue;

    if (not) {
      shouldValidate = !shouldValidate;

    return shouldValidate ? validator(value, context) : true;

 * Set field as required if a parent field has a specific value.
 * Useful for conditional logic: showing or hiding fields on a document based on another fields value.
 * e.g. validation: (rule) =>
 *        rule.custom(
 *          requiredIfParentIs('contentLocation', PUBLICATION_LOCATION.LINK),
 *        ),
export function requiredIfParentIs(
  parentName: string,
  parentValue: any | Array<any>,
  message?: string,
  not: boolean = false,
) {
  return function requiredIfParentIsValidator<RuleType>(
    value: RuleType,
    context: ValidationContext,
  ) {
    let isRequired =
      !value && Array.isArray(parentValue)
        ? parentValue.includes((context.parent as Record<string, any>)?.[parentName])
        : (context.parent as Record<string, any>)?.[parentName] === parentValue;

    if (not) {
      isRequired = !isRequired;

    return isRequired ? { message: message || 'Field is required' } : true;

 * For two fields containing a "datetime" field, compare them and ensure this field comes before/after the other field.
 * Optionally specify an error message, or override the field titles used in the default error message via `thisName` and `thatName`.
 * e.g. validation: (rule) => rule
 *        .custom(validPostTimestamps('updatedAt', 'after', undefined, 'Published At', 'Updated At'))
 *        .error(),
export function validPostTimestamps(
  otherFieldName: string,
  order: 'before' | 'after',
  message?: string,
  thisName?: string,
  thatName?: string,
) {
  return function validPostTimestampsValidator<RuleType>(
    value: RuleType,
    context: ValidationContext,
  ) {
    const document = context.document;

    const otherField = document?.[otherFieldName];

    if (
      !value ||
      !otherField ||
      typeof value !== 'string' ||
      typeof otherField !== 'string'
    ) {
      return true;

    const thisField = Date.parse(value);
    const thatField = Date.parse(otherField);

    const compare = order === 'before' ? thatField > thisField : thatField < thisField;

    const hint = order === 'before' ? 'later' : 'earlier';

    return compare
      ? {
            message ||
            `${thisName}${thisName ? ' m' : 'M'}ust be ${hint} than ${thatName || otherFieldName}`,
      : true;

 * Ensure a string field is a valid URL.
export function validUrl(message?: string) {
  return function validUrlValidator<RuleType>(value: RuleType) {
    if (value && typeof value === 'string') {
      try {
        new URL(value);
        return true;
      } catch (err) {
        return { message: message || 'Must be a valid URL' };

    return true;

 * Ensure a string field starts with a valid string, or one of an array of valid strings.
export function mustStartWith(startWith: string | Array<string>, message?: string) {
  const validationMessage = Array.isArray(startWith)
    ? `Must start with one of "${startWith.join(', ')}"`
    : `Must start with ${startWith}`;

  return function mustStartWithValidator<RuleType>(value: RuleType) {
    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      return true;

    const doesStartWith = Array.isArray(startWith)
      ? startWith.some((prefix) => value.startsWith(prefix))
      : value.startsWith(startWith);

    return value && doesStartWith ? true : { message: message || validationMessage };

 * A validation rule for detecting if a URL is a valid external URL, or if it is an internal url that could be a page link instead.
 * Most used as a Warning instead of an Error in case of edge cases.
export function shouldBeInternalLink(message?: string) {
  return function shouldBeInternalLinkValidator<RuleType>(value: RuleType) {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return value && value.startsWith('/') && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_/?&]+$/.test(value)
        ? {
              message ||
              'It is better to use the Page type as this link is internal. This will ensure it stays up-to-date automatically',
        : true;

    return true;

 * A rule for ensuring a field starts with "/" or "http(s)", and as such is a relative or an absolute URL.
export function linkMustBeRelativeOrAbsolute(message?: string) {
  return function linkMustBeRelativeOrAbsoluteValidator<RuleType>(value: RuleType) {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return value && !value.startsWith('/') && !value.startsWith('http')
        ? { message: message || 'Link must start with "/" or "http(s)"' }
        : true;

    return true;

 * A rule to ensure a value matches a given regex. Useful for video links from YouTube, among other things.
 * Regex should start with / and end with /. E.G. /^[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*$/
export function matchesRegex(regex: RegExp, message?: string) {
  return function matchesRegexValidation<RuleType>(value: RuleType) {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return regex.test(value) ? true : { message: message || 'Invalid format' };

    return true;

 * A rule to test if the value is a valid slug/pathname/clean URL.
export function isSlug(message?: string) {
  return matchesRegex(
    message ||
      'Must contain only lowercase letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], and dashes ("-")',

Sanity – build remarkable experiences at scale

Sanity Composable Content Cloud is the headless CMS that gives you (and your team) a content backend to drive websites and applications with modern tooling. It offers a real-time editing environment for content creators that’s easy to configure but designed to be customized with JavaScript and React when needed. With the hosted document store, you query content freely and easily integrate with any framework or data source to distribute and enrich content.

Sanity scales from weekend projects to enterprise needs and is used by companies like Puma, AT&T, Burger King, Tata, and Figma.