We now support AVIF for superior compression without compromising visual quality, resulting in smaller file sizes and better performance.
Go to AVIF Arrives, Sanity’s Promise Fulfilled
🚫 MyFile / ✅ MyFile.pdf
Go to Add extensions to asset original filenames Official
(made by Sanity team) Toolkit for integrating content from Sanity, including previews, Studio embedding, webhook verification, and more
Go to The official Sanity toolkit for Next.js A script to validate that your schema is free of errors and warnings
Go to Validate schema script Official
(made by Sanity team) Use geo-related input types using Google Maps.
Go to Google Maps input Official
(made by Sanity team) Render PortableText content in React
Go to PortableText to React
Drop this into your Studio to let editors know when there's a more recent version of your Studio available, making sure they have the latest fields and validations.
Go to Auto-reload Studio when changes are deployed
Script to find and delete unused assets in a dataset
Go to Delete unused assets
Script to convert quotation marks in Portable Text blocks
Go to Convert quotation marks for Portable Text
A small help function to convert Portable Text blocks to plain text
Go to Portable Text to Plain Text An opinionated, enhanced Sanity.io plugin development experience.
Go to Sanipack
Mobile app and website for the Mikkeller Beer Celebration (MBCC) craft beer festival, with user-contributed beer ratings, news and Untappd integration.
Go to Mikkeller Beer Celebration
Shows beers currently on tap at craft beer bars in the Norwegian cities of Oslo, Bergen, Sandnes and Stavanger.
Go to PÃ¥Tapp.no Official
(made by Sanity team) Learn how to use serverless functions to update content in your Sanity.io dataset!
This is an external link at: www.youtube.com
Go to How to store user-generated content
Use the Leaflet library for the Geopoint schema type.
Go to Leaflet.js map input
The new library of asset utilities makes it even more convenient to build with images and files from Sanity.io
Go to Say hi to our new asset utilities library! Wow. Doge meme generator. Very plugin.
Go to Doge generator Official
(made by Sanity team) Source plugin for pulling content from Sanity.io into Gatsby websites.
Go to Gatsby source plugin
Give your editors a head start with Initial Values for Sanity Studio. Prefill fields with minimal configuration, create multiple templates for quick document creation, fetch content from external APIs and put it in new documents.
Go to Boost editor workflows with our new Initial Values
With our new source plugin for the Vue.js based static site generator Gridsome, you can now build fast by default websites powered by structured content. The plugin gives you fast and frugal builds. With watchMode you get low latency real-time content previews while you develop, without having to save or publish.
Go to Introducing the Sanity source plugin for Gridsome Official
(made by Sanity team) Display a list of documents in your dashboard
Go to Document list widget Official
(made by Sanity team) This package liberates Contentful spaces, creating Sanity projects and schemas as it goes.
Go to Contentful to Sanity Declare a Sanity schema using GraphQL SDL syntax
Go to GraphQL Schema Upload videos to Mux directly from the studio.
Go to Mux input URL input for Sanity that retrieves metadata (title, description) along with open graph information.
Go to URL Metadata Input Replace default spinners with NYANCAT SPINNERS OMG!!
Go to Nyan cat spinner Official
(made by Sanity team) Markdown input component and schema type. Supports image uploads.
Go to Markdown input Official
(made by Sanity team) Render an array of block text from Sanity to HTML.
Go to Portable Text to HTML Official
(made by Sanity team) Helper library to generate URLs for image transformation
Go to Image URL Official
(made by Sanity team) Portable Text for Hyperscript
Go to Portable Text to Hyperscript Official
(made by Sanity team) PHP library for the Sanity API
Go to PHP API client