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Image URL

Official(made by Sanity team)

By Bjørge Næss & Espen Hovlandsdal

Helper library to generate URLs for image transformation


Other plugins by authors

The official Sanity toolkit for Next.js

Official(made by Sanity team)

Toolkit for integrating content from Sanity, including previews, Studio embedding, webhook verification, and more

Go to The official Sanity toolkit for Next.js

Asset source for Cloudinary

Studio v2

Browse and import images from your Cloudinary account to your Sanity Studio

Go to Asset source for Cloudinary

Asset source for Unsplash

Official(made by Sanity team)

Search photos on Unsplash and insert them directly inside of your Sanity Studio.

Go to Asset source for Unsplash

Mux input

Upload videos to Mux directly from the studio.

Go to Mux input