Upgraded access control: SAML support & easier role management
Sanity releases SAML SSO support and makes administering roles available in the management interface.
Marcus Sarmento
Upgraded access control: SAML support & easier role management
Sanity releases SAML SSO support and makes administering roles available in the management interface.
Marcus Sarmento
Scaling Empathy: Support at Sanity.io
How Sanity uses its own content platform to run an empathic support organization at scale.
Peter Hofstee
A Vibrant Ecosystem
We’re doubling down on how we deal with the wider ecosystem of product extensions through our effort on Applications.
Even Westvang
Welcoming Carrie Hane to lead our new Content Strategy Relations team
Welcoming Carrie Hane to Sanity, as we launch a new Content Strategy Relations team. Together, we will scale the knowledge of Structured Content within and outside our platform.
Magnus Hillestad and 2 others
Introducing GROQ-powered Webhooks
Learn about our new webhooks system that harnesses the power of GROQ to provide fine-grained triggers and customizable payloads.
Marcus Sarmento
Jamstack Conf: Feature launch and editor experience workshop
We've got a lot planned for this year's Jamstack conf, we hope you join us next week!
Knut Melvær
Community Interview: Flayks portfolio project
Félix Péault, talks about creating his portfolio site, Flayks with Sanity and Svelte, inspiration, design, and collaboration.
Lo Etheridge
Community Digest - August 2021
Let's check out an ice hockey podcast's entire website, learn all about localization in Sanity in a guide written by a community member, and see how the Studio can fit nicely into the music industry.
Launching Conditional Fields: Release Party Recap
We celebrated the launch of conditional fields and learned about two community success stories.
Knut Melvær
Knut Melvær
Now you see them, now you don’t. Introducing Conditional Fields.
Sanity Studio adds first-class support for conditional fields. Hide or show parts of forms based on programmable logic. Enhance the editing experience for content creators by reducing cognitive load.
Marcus Sarmento
Why your team is stoked about generics in Go
Explaining why people are stoked about generics in Go to people who don't know Go.
Knut Melvær
Community Digest - July 2021
In this month's digest, we take a look at new e-commerce websites, a new Ruby client for Sanity, and machine learning with Sanity.
Upper and lower case for GROQ
In the latest episode of Kap & Lauren learn GROQ - Part 8, we learned more about functions in GROQ: upper() & lower(). We also did a couple of community spotlights!
Lo Etheridge and 1 other
Functions in GROQ defined
In the latest episode of Kap & Lauren learn GROQ - Part 7, we learned about functions in GROQ: defined(), round(), text(), length(), and count().
Lo Etheridge and 1 other
SEO Pane plugin: Create and preview content metadata in your Studio
Stay SEO ready: Create and preview content metadata in your studio with the SEO Pane plugin.
Lo Etheridge
Announcing the Sanity Content Lake integration for Vercel
Now available on the Vercel Marketplace
Knut Melvær
Documents Pane Plugin: GROQ query results inside View Pane
Check out the Documents Pane plugin that allows you to see any query results right within your Studio.
Logical AND, Logical OR, Logical NOT in GROQ
In the latest episode of Kap & Lauren learn GROQ - Part 6, we learned how to use the logical AND, the logical OR, and the logical NOT to really fine-tune our queries.
Lo Etheridge and 1 other
GROQ ellipsis operator... and projections
In the latest episode of Kap & Lauren learn GROQ - Part 5, we learned how to use the GROQ ellipsis operator with extra projections to really fine-tune our desired output.
Lo Etheridge and 1 other