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Understanding the relationship between options, values, and variants in Sanity Connect.

2 replies
Last updated: Apr 11, 2022
Wondering if the Sanity Connect app would be able to give variant IDs for Option values. The current implementation is a bit problematic I think, seeing as if I had multiple Options and some of these Options had values with the same name, I’m not sure there is anyway to distinguish them? Unless index remains the same, but this feels very brittle to me.
e.g. with the below, this is tricky:

    _key: 'Blue'
    _type: 'option'
    name: 'Blue'
    values: [
    _key: 'Red'
    _type: 'option'
    name: 'Red'
    values: [
Whereas this would’ve been helpful:

    _key: 'Blue'
    _type: 'option'
    name: 'Blue'
    values: [
        name: 'Signed', 
        variantId: 'schloop-doop-de-boop'
        name: 'Unsigned', 
        variantId: 'turtle-burtle-plip-plop'
    _key: 'Red'
    _type: 'option'
    name: 'Red'
    values: [
        name: 'Signed', 
        variantId: 'frump-de-bump-kerplunk'
        name: 'Unsigned', 
        variantId: 'wiggle-fig-kerfloop'
Apr 10, 2022, 5:15 PM
I haven’t used Sanity Connect but isn’t the second one impossible since a variant is a combination of the option values? eg. In your example would the product have two drop downs, one for “Blue” and one for “Red”, both with the choice of “Signed” and “Unsigned”? In that case variant id is a result of the possible combinations. Or am I misunderstanding?
Regardless you can use
to turn options/values back into a variant also:
Apr 10, 2022, 5:35 PM
Ahh thanks Cory nope you’re brilliant – sounds like this is a misunderstanding on my part then!
I was under the impression Variants were 1:1 with Options, but now I realise why that wouldn’t make sense... I can see that for every possible configuration of Options there would need to be a variant created and the point towards
is exactly what I needed!
Thanks so much
Apr 11, 2022, 10:24 AM

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