Trouble accessing referenced item name in Sanity document preview
4 replies
Last updated: Oct 22, 2022
I have a document that takes in a reference type - I'd like to be able to show the name of the referenced item in the preview but I'm having some trouble - all I can access and display is the _ref (id of the referenced item)
I also tried using a
previewComponent but it doesn't seem to pull through, not sure why,
This is my current document
I have a document that takes in a reference type - I'd like to be able to show the name of the referenced item in the preview but I'm having some trouble - all I can access and display is the _ref (id of the referenced item)
I also tried using a
previewComponent but it doesn't seem to pull through, not sure why,
This is my current document
import PreviewComponent from "../../components/PreviewComponent"; import { FaStar as icon } from 'react-icons/fa'; export default { name: 'specialOffer', title: 'Special Offers', type: 'document', icon, fields: [ { name: 'title', title: 'Offer Name', type: 'string', description: 'Title of the special offer', }, { name: 'hotelId', title: 'Assigned Hotel', type: 'reference', to: [{ type: 'hotel' }], options: { disableNew: true, }, }, ], preview: { select: { title: 'title', subtitle: 'hotelId._ref' }, prepare(props) { const { title, subtitle } = props console.log('subtitle', subtitle) return { title: `${title}`, subtitle } } } };
Oct 21, 2022, 6:53 PM
I just joined the slack to ask my own help question, so I'm not going to be useful in that regard. But I saw this line
Just one of those little things that I love and figured I'd share in case you're not familiar.
console.log('subtitle', subtitle)and wanted to just say, if you're not familiar, one of my favorite super basic QOL logging tricks is to use an object wrapper. It creates the exact same effect as what you do with that line, but without having to type the property name twice. ie, instead do
console.log({ subtitle }).
Just one of those little things that I love and figured I'd share in case you're not familiar.
Oct 21, 2022, 7:43 PM
Am I understanding correctly that you’ve tried to do something like
subtitle: hotelId.titleand been unable to access the title? You should be able to access the data on the hotel object using whatever that field is named in the hotel schema.
Oct 21, 2022, 7:48 PM
An example of what Dan is saying:
preview: { select: { title: 'title', subtitle: '' // would give you the "name" of the referenced hotel if name is a field on the hotel document type } ... } // if it is an array of assigned hotels preview: { select: { title: 'title', subtitle: 'hotelId[0].name' // for first item in array of referenced hotels }, ... }
Oct 22, 2022, 7:57 AM
Thanks everyone, it was late in the day and I missed the obvious solution! It's all working now! 🙂
Oct 22, 2022, 12:26 PM
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