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Querying for nested parent references and generating URLs in a Slack thread.

5 replies
Last updated: Mar 10, 2022
Hi everyone, is it possible to create a loop within a query to avoid the nesting I'm doing with the parent below?Basically it's checking for a parent reference on the parent page so we can generate a URL.

Also wondering if it's possible to create an output within the query that would join all of these together like "fullSlug":
parent.slug/ parent.slug/slug.current
`const link = ``



"page": page->{

"type": _type,

"slug": slug.current,

"parent": parent->{

"slug": slug.current,

"id": _id,

"parent": parent->{

"slug": slug.current,

"id": _id,

"parent": parent->{

"slug": slug.current,

"id": _id,

"parent": parent->{

"slug": slug.current,

"id": _id





Mar 8, 2022, 7:10 PM
Thanks User, I thought that was the case but wasn't sure if I was missing something.Also just confirming that there isn't a smarter way that I could output the fullslug within the query as a variable without writing a separate function?
Mar 8, 2022, 7:14 PM
The only suggestion I would make would be that you may want to handle the compounding of the different slugs within the Studio itself, similar to this guide.
But if that's not an option I'm not sure that there is a cleaner way to GROQ it out.
Mar 8, 2022, 7:20 PM
great, thanks
user M
that is what I'm looking for
Mar 8, 2022, 7:29 PM
Glad to help! Let us know if you hit any more snags!
Mar 8, 2022, 8:05 PM
user M
if it helps anyone else, I've written the function from the docs to allow for endless nesting. Is it possible to extend the "onAfterPublish" function so that we could automate this if a parent updates their slug, to then update all children without it being a manual process?

async function getPrefix(doc, source, ref) {

const docTitle = doc[source]

`// const refQuery = `*[_id == $ref][0].title``

const refParams = {ref: doc?.[ref]?._ref}

if (!refParams.ref) {

return slugify(docTitle, slugifyConfig)


// const childTitles = [docTitle];

const refTitles = await getParentTitles(doc);

if (!refTitles) {

return slugify(docTitle, slugifyConfig)


const slugArray = refTitles.filter((p) => p).map((p) => slugify(p, slugifyConfig))

return slugArray


async function getParentTitles(doc, childTitles){



} else {

childTitles = [doc.title];


// Fetch the parent pages

if( doc.parent ){

const ref = doc.parent._ref;

const params = {ref: ref};
`const query = `*[_type == "page" && _id == "${ref}"][0]{"title": title, "parent": parent->{"_ref": _id, "title": title}}`;`

const foundDoc = await client.fetch(query, params);

if( foundDoc !== undefined ){

childTitles = await getParentTitles(foundDoc, childTitles);



return childTitles;

Mar 10, 2022, 8:04 PM

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