Preserving image filenames in Sanity CDN URLs for SEO visibility
6 replies
Last updated: Apr 28, 2021
Hey everyone 👋 long-time lurker, first-time poster. I’ve been building sites and templates with Gatsby/Sanity together for a while now and along the way a fair few clients have asked me how to preserve image filenames in generated CDN URLs for SEO visibility. I’ve got as far as manipulating the
originalFilename, but I can’t find anything on how Sanity manages filename generation when exporting imagery out to and hosting on the CDN. If anyone has any experience in this realm your help or advice would be much appreciated
Mar 22, 2021, 11:07 AM
This should allow you to add the
Does that help?
user H
đź‘‹ The CDN lets you add /someFilename.jpgat the end of an image/file URL, while still working with the usual parameters (and things like webp format support).
This should allow you to add the
originalFilename(or any other field you’ve prepared for this) at the back of a URL as follows:
Mar 22, 2021, 11:49 AM
Thank you, that’s really good to know! Are you able to confirm if the images including the
For example:
^ If I search for “cats in suspicious clothing”, am I likely to find some variant of this Sanity CDN-hosted image?
originalFilenameare indexed by Google?
For example:
Mar 22, 2021, 11:54 AM
Never mind, I wrote a component that inserts the original filenames into fluid URLs. End result is that the full filename is available in the src/srcset <img> attributes, but the images look and work the same as they did. Thanks for the help!
Mar 22, 2021, 1:30 PM
Awesome intel here pals! 🙏
Apr 16, 2021, 5:20 PM
user M
Is there a way to add /someFilename.jpgwhen using Gatsby image?
Apr 21, 2021, 4:00 PM
user A
You could enrich your fluid URLs with /someFilename.jpg(as
originalFilename), e.g.
const { asset: { fluid, description, originalFilename, title } } = image; // Sanity image data const fluidKeys = Object.keys(fluid); const fluidEnriched = {}; if (fluidKeys?.[0]) { fluidKeys.forEach((fluidKey) => { let value = fluid?.[fluidKey]?.toString(); if (value.includes(`.jpg`)) { value = value.replace(/.jpg/g, `.jpg/${originalFilename}`); } else if (value.includes(`.png`)) { value = value.replace(/.png/g, `.png/${originalFilename}`); } // other filetypes fluidEnriched[fluidKey] = value; }); }
import Img from "gatsby-image"; <Img fluid={fluidEnriched} />
Apr 28, 2021, 9:26 AM
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