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Potential reasons for receiving duplicate records in a query and how to debug the issue.

6 replies
Last updated: May 7, 2021
For what reason could I be potentially receiving duplicate records in my query like so
routeLabel:"testing dynamic"
routeLabel:"testing dynamic"
If my query looks like this.

*[_type == "route" && slug_custom_format.current != "index"]{
    "slug": slug_custom_format.current,
      "pageId": _id,
  } | order(_updatedAt desc)
A bit stumped as to why this is happening. There are no drafts of the document.
May 7, 2021, 8:21 PM
*[_type == "route" && slug_custom_format.current != "index" && !(_id in path('drafts.**'))] { ... }
If that still returns two results, then you must have two routes that are matching and reference the same page. For debugging, it’s probably best that you return the
of the route.
May 7, 2021, 8:34 PM
*[_type == "route" && slug_custom_format.current != "index" && !(_id in path('drafts.**'))] { ... }
If that still returns two results, then you must have two routes that are matching and must reference the same page. For debugging, it’s probably best that you return the
of the route.
May 7, 2021, 8:34 PM
Ahh! Thanks for the perspective Geoff,I hid that route _id because I didn't need it, and turns out there is a draft _id there.
This leads me to some interesting questions. Mostly about the structuring I am using.

For context I am messing around with a previewing in Sanity with a non-react front-end. So I do in fact want access to the draft documents.

I think I am running into a circular references issue here though as my larger issue.
Ran into some weird things when trying to preview
1. 1-2 ->This is where the draft is, but I don't remember changing it so attempt to revert to published
3. Says it's successful restoring the document
4. Publish and get this message.
5. Culprit
May 7, 2021, 10:40 PM
Great! Glad you found that.
There were a few days when
was the latest version where drafts could be referenced. It was quickly fixed , but unfortunately any references created during that time that pointed to a draft would need to be corrected manually. Based on the error you’re getting, I suspect that’s what’s happening.
May 7, 2021, 10:56 PM
Yep that's definitely what it was. Fixing it manually seemed to do the trick.Just a matter of some quick clicks and publishes to get it back.
Thanks again for the insight.
May 7, 2021, 11:50 PM
Yep that's definitely what it was. Fixing it manually seemed to do the trick.Just a matter of some quick clicks and publishes to get it back.
Thanks again for the insight.
May 7, 2021, 11:50 PM

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