Issue with workspaces in Sanity V3 upgrade
5 replies
Last updated: Jan 11, 2023
Hello! 👋
I've ran and upgrade from Sanity V2 to Sanity V3, although seem to be running into issues with workspaces. I have two workspaces dev and production, although it seems that the desk always defaults to dev, similarly when I change the URL to production, it comes up with an error message "Workspace not found". I've pasted the config below, any idea where I might be going wrong? The dropdown at the top is also not appearing
I've ran and upgrade from Sanity V2 to Sanity V3, although seem to be running into issues with workspaces. I have two workspaces dev and production, although it seems that the desk always defaults to dev, similarly when I change the URL to production, it comes up with an error message "Workspace not found". I've pasted the config below, any idea where I might be going wrong? The dropdown at the top is also not appearing
Jan 8, 2023, 11:07 PM
// sanity.config.js import { defineConfig } from "sanity"; import { deskTool } from 'sanity/desk' import schemas from './schemas/schema' import { table } from '@sanity/table'; import { colorInput } from "@sanity/color-input"; import deskStructure from './sidebar' import { visionTool } from '@sanity/vision' export default defineConfig({ title: "XX Dev", projectId: "XX", dataset: "dev", name: "dev", basePath: '/dev', plugins: [deskTool({structure: deskStructure}), visionTool(), table(), colorInput()], tools: (prev) => { // 👇 Uses environment variables set by Vite in development mode if (import.meta.env.DEV) { return prev } return prev.filter((tool) => !== 'vision') }, schema: { types: schemas, }, document: { newDocumentOptions: (prev, { creationContext }) => { if (creationContext.type === 'global') { return prev.filter((templateItem) => templateItem.templateId != 'settings') } return prev }, actions: (prev, { schemaType }) => { if (schemaType === 'settings') { return prev.filter(({ action }) => !['unpublish', 'delete','duplicate'].includes(action)) } return prev }, }, }, { title: "XX Prod", projectId: "XX", dataset: "production", name: "production", basePath: '/production', plugins: [deskTool({structure: deskStructure}), visionTool(), table(), colorInput()], tools: (prev) => { // 👇 Uses environment variables set by Vite in development mode if (import.meta.env.PRODUCTION) { return prev } return prev.filter((tool) => !== 'vision') }, schema: { types: schemas, }, document: { newDocumentOptions: (prev, { creationContext }) => { if (creationContext.type === 'global') { return prev.filter((templateItem) => templateItem.templateId != 'settings') } return prev }, actions: (prev, { schemaType }) => { if (schemaType === 'settings') { return prev.filter(({ action }) => !['unpublish', 'delete','duplicate'].includes(action)) } return prev }, }, });
Jan 8, 2023, 11:08 PM
// sanity.cli.js import {defineCliConfig} from 'sanity/cli' export default defineCliConfig({ api: { projectId: 'XX', // replace value with your own dataset: 'production' // replace value with your own } })
Jan 8, 2023, 11:09 PM
Hey .
user P
! If you’re defining two different environments, you need to pass an array into your defineConfig. Just wrap your two config objects in an array and you should be all set! You’re probably getting the workspace not defined error because you’re trying to navigate to something like
<http://localhost:3333/desk>instead of
Jan 10, 2023, 9:14 PM
Doh! Such a noobie mistake! Works like charm now, thank you!
Jan 10, 2023, 9:17 PM
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