Issue with looping through an array using `{#each}` in Sveltekit, getting a "Cannot read properties of null" error.
5 replies
Last updated: Feb 15, 2023
Hello everybody,I’ve got a problem looping through an array using
displays the
works as well.
BUT - when I try to access the individual properties within
I’ll add more details in the thread.
{#each }in Sveltekit. Strangely it worked yesterday, I changed nothing that I’m aware of, and now it’s not working. Yay?
{JSON.stringify(data.homepage.sections[2]._type, null, 2)}
_typevalue as expected, and looping through the array with
{#each data.homepage.sections as item } <section class="promo"> <pre>{JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)}</pre> {item} </section> {/each}
BUT - when I try to access the individual properties within
each, e.g.
{item._type}, I get this error message
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_type')
I’ll add more details in the thread.
Feb 15, 2023, 10:58 AM
The query for the page is
import { client } from '$lib/utils/_sanity'; export const load = async () => { const homepage = await client.fetch(/* groq */ ` *[ _type == "homepage"][0]{ text, ctaText, ctaURL, image, sections[]->{ _type == 'award' => { _type, _id, title, quoteBlock, quoteSigned, ctaText, ctaURL, image }, _type == 'designspirer' => { _type, _id, title, text[]{ ..., _type == "cta" => { ..., "type": @ .link->_type, "slug": @ .link->slug } }, image, svg { asset-> { url } } }, _type =='dsh' => { _type, _id, title, text, callOut, ctaText, ctaURL, image }, _type =='retreat' => { _type, _id, subheading, titleLine1, titleLine2, link, myTags[]->{ title }, bgImage }, _type =='shortcuts' => { _type, _id, pages[]->{ _type, _id, name, title, slug { current } } }, _type =='sponsor' => { _type, _id, title, showSponsor }, _type =='video' => { _type, _id, title, subheading, text, ctaText, link->{ slug { current } }, image }, _type =='workshop' => { _type, _id, title, title2, link, text, image } }, "sponsors": *[_type=="company" && sponsor==true]{ logo, name } } `); return { homepage, }; }
Feb 15, 2023, 10:59 AM
The query for the page:
Feb 15, 2023, 11:01 AM
The page template code:
Feb 15, 2023, 11:08 AM
This is the output in the browser from the first couple of objects in the array that I get from
So each component all have
So each component all have
_type, but I can’t seem to access them at all. And this worked yesterday.
Feb 15, 2023, 11:16 AM
Two things that I did that made it work.1. Apparently the problem is that it was a
valueobject(?), and I needed to use
Object.entriesto loop it.2. Filter away the objects with
nullvalue. I had one, and Svelte got stuck on it.Nr 2 I understand, but nr 1 is just pure luck and randomness from desperate searches.
{#each Object.entries(data.homepage.sections) as [i, section], index } {#if section !== null } {#if section._type === "award"} <PromoAward /> {:else if section._type === "video"} <PromoVideo /> {/if} {/if} {/each}
Feb 15, 2023, 2:15 PM
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