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How to print a title for each value in an array of objects in Sanity schema.

5 replies
Last updated: Jul 16, 2021
Hi! I am starting with Sanity and so far it is quite a nice ride.
I have a question about
type that I haven’t found the answer too in [docs](https://www.sanity.io/docs/array-type ). My array of objects works as expected, but I want to print a title for each value (and not show just stringified object itself). Is that possible?
Jul 16, 2021, 1:19 PM
So ideally from each item I would show
(which is the i18ned title field, its first value which is my default language).
Jul 16, 2021, 1:20 PM
This is the relevant part of my schema:

      name: "list",
      title: "Features",
      type: "array",
      of: [
          title: "Quick features",
          type: "object",
          fields: [
              name: "title",
              title: "Title",
              type: "localeString"
              name: "icon",
              title: "Icon",
              type: "object",
              fields: [
                  name: "Icon",
                  type: "string",
                  layout: "dropdown",
                  options: {
                    list: getIcons()
              name: "description",
              title: "Description",
              type: "localeString"
localeString is object (czech and english string field)
Jul 16, 2021, 1:20 PM
Also unfortunately I’m getting a value
in FE for this field. 😞 Am I doing wrong something obvious?
Jul 16, 2021, 1:57 PM
Hi Petr. You can show the correct field using a preview . It’s a bit of a different syntax, but I expect you can print the title with something like this, which should be a sibling of your document’s

  preview: {
    select: {
      title: 'list.0.title.en',
It might need some adjusting based on what
looks like.
As for the null value on your front end, I would log out your query result to see exactly what your data structure looks like, then drill down or destructure from there.
Jul 16, 2021, 2:32 PM
Perfect, thanks!
Jul 16, 2021, 2:33 PM

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