How to filter an array of linked documents based on the current language context.
4 replies
Last updated: Dec 13, 2023
Studio: Localized array references?Hey all,
šļø I am facing an issue with an array of linked documents (A featured Events List). The field lets me choose both languages, even though I am editing the current page in one specific language. How can I achieve ā when users adding new items to the list ā, to get rid of all the items in the list which are not in the current language context?
Thanks a lot in advance!
šļø I am facing an issue with an array of linked documents (A featured Events List). The field lets me choose both languages, even though I am editing the current page in one specific language. How can I achieve ā when users adding new items to the list ā, to get rid of all the items in the list which are not in the current language context?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Dec 13, 2023, 12:01 AM
You would need to change the
filteron your reference field. What does that code currently look like?
Dec 13, 2023, 12:10 AM
from home.ts (Schema)
user M
, thanks for responding!!queries.ts
export const homePageQuery = groq` *[_type == "home" && language == $language][0]{ _id, overview, featuredEvents[]->{ _type, coverImage, overview, "slug": slug.current, tags, title, language, }, title, language, "translations": *[ _type == "translation.metadata" && ^._id in translations[].value._ref ][0].translations[]{ // and spread the "value" of each reference to the root level ...(value->{ language, title, featuredEvents[]->{ "slug": slug.current, title, language, }, }) } } `
from home.ts (Schema)
ā¦ defineField({ name: 'featuredEvents', title: 'Featured events', description: 'These are the events that will appear first on your landing page.', type: 'array', of: [ defineArrayMember({ type: 'reference', to: [{ type: 'event' }], }), ], }), ā¦
Dec 13, 2023, 1:27 AM
user M
EDIT: I could resolve by filtering like so:defineField({ name: 'featuredEvents', title: 'Featured events', description: 'These are the events that will appear first on your landing page.', type: 'array', of: [ defineArrayMember({ type: 'reference', to: [{ type: 'event' }], options: { filter: ({ document }) => { return { filter: '_type == "event" && language == $language', params: { language: document.language }, } }, }, }), ], }),
Dec 13, 2023, 2:06 AM
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