How to destructure data for an array of references inside a fieldset in Sanity.
4 replies
Last updated: Mar 3, 2021
Is there a way to return destructured data for an array of references when inside of a fieldset?
I'm using the tabs plugin on Sanity, and I have an array of references inside one of the tabs. However, I'm having a hard time getting past the first content object to destructure the array.
Here is the data structure:
You can see the "Services" array is inside of the "Content" object, but I am unable to run something like the code block to be able to destructure the Services array like I need to in order to return the name of the service.
I'm using the tabs plugin on Sanity, and I have an array of references inside one of the tabs. However, I'm having a hard time getting past the first content object to destructure the array.
Here is the data structure:
{ "_createdAt": "2021-01-23T18:23:03Z", "_id": "eb2ea4ad-b9dd-48d2-a12f-d624072c3f85", "_rev": "kb0HY6NIXzvB0Lryh3yfgp", "_type": "stylist", "_updatedAt": "2021-01-27T02:19:29Z", "content": { "_type": "object", "businessName": "...", "emailAddress": "...", "hours": [ { "_key": "6ec087d3b1b8", "day": "Mon", "hoursValue": "10:00am - 8:00pm" }, { "_key": "cebf173f6c30", "day": "Wed", "hoursValue": "10:00am - 8:00pm" }, { "_key": "e28b97392ccc", "day": "Fri", "hoursValue": "10:00am - 6:00pm" }, { "_key": "4e22af69c6b8", "day": "Sat", "hoursValue": "By appointment only" } ], "phoneNumber": "3035505676", "services": [ { "_key": "930fef6cff22", "_ref": "b761952b-5280-4abc-b1cf-8f126b0b2717", "_type": "reference" }, { "_key": "0474ffdda5dc", "_ref": "48dc64ec-04e1-45e0-a035-356a96c5d519", "_type": "reference" }, { "_key": "dd7f83a6a1fc", "_ref": "8000399d-8782-4801-ba0b-13fbd3eabeaf", "_type": "reference" }, { "_key": "e6943b847829", "_ref": "ac00790b-694f-4903-9c89-44a78d001d2d", "_type": "reference" } ], "suiteNumber": 202 }, "location": { "_ref": "eee608e6-47ce-4397-ad26-06fab5a329de", "_type": "reference" }, "name": "...", "slug": { "_type": "slug", "current": "...-..." } }
*[_type == "stylist" && name == "Alex Clark"] { name, content->services[]-> }
Mar 2, 2021, 10:53 PM
Hi Austin. What about:
*[_type == "stylist" && name == "Alex Clark"] { name, "services":[]-> }
*[_type == "stylist" && name == "Alex Clark"] { name, content { services[]-> } }
Mar 2, 2021, 11:38 PM
Hi Geoff! These could be the golden ticket! Let me try them out 🙂
Mar 2, 2021, 11:56 PM
You're the best! Worked like a charm 👏. I opted for this structure:
*[_type == "stylist" && slug.current == $slug] { name, slug, content { bio, website, phoneNumber, emailAddress, hours, facebookUsername, instagramUsername, services[]-> }, location->, }[0]`
Mar 3, 2021, 12:00 AM
Glad to hear it, Austin! 🙂
Mar 3, 2021, 12:01 AM
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