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How to avoid breaking changes when redeploying Sanity API

5 replies
Last updated: Feb 8, 2021
Hello again! I went to re-deploy my api and got a lot of warnings re: dangerous changes. Should I be concerned about these? Is there a specific reason these would all be changing like this? I don’t remember modifying the schemas this much. Here’s a sample:
Found BREAKING changes from previous schema:
- BlogPost._id changed type from ID! to ID.
- BlogPost._type changed type from String! to String.
- BlogPost._createdAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime.
- BlogPost._updatedAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime.
- BlogPost._rev changed type from String! to String.
- Document._id changed type from ID! to ID.
- Document._type changed type from String! to String.
- Document._createdAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime.
- Document._updatedAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime.
- Document._rev changed type from String! to String.
- SanityImageAsset._id changed type from ID! to ID.
- SanityImageAsset._type changed type from String! to String.
- SanityImageAsset._createdAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime.
- SanityImageAsset._updatedAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime.
Feb 8, 2021, 9:59 PM
Hi Stu!
In the vast majority of cases this particular change is not something you should be worried about.

A while back we discovered that the schema incorrectly said that these fields were "always" present - but that people were embedding document types inside of other documents, which makes that assumption false (in those cases).
Feb 8, 2021, 10:08 PM
We added a flag to let you get the old behavior back, should you not want the change - add the
flag to the command. Eg:

sanity graphql deploy --non-null-document-fields
Feb 8, 2021, 10:10 PM
Ok, good to know - thanks a lot!
Feb 8, 2021, 10:10 PM
We added a flag to let you get the old behavior back, should you not want the change - add the
flag to the command. Eg:

sanity graphql deploy --non-null-document-fields
Feb 8, 2021, 10:10 PM
Hi Stu!
In the vast majority of cases this particular change is not something you should be worried about.

A while back we discovered that the schema incorrectly said that these fields were "always" present - but that people were embedding document types inside of other documents, which makes that assumption false (in those cases).
Feb 8, 2021, 10:08 PM

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