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How can Sanity and Shopify Work Together for a Website?

9 replies
Last updated: Jun 21, 2021
Ive never used Shopify before so here's my question. what does Shopify offer that Sanity cannot provide? How does a link up of both these services complement each other?
Jun 21, 2021, 8:14 AM
Shopify is a ecommerce platform and sanity more of a CMS / content store. You can create an ecommerce shop with Sanity. I think there’s a demo store on the website and you can use snipcart for the checkout process.
If you are looking to save on development time perhaps you, can also use Shopify + NextJS commerce as the base project. Then for everything else, you can use Sanity
Jun 21, 2021, 8:27 AM
So what does shopify have built-in right off the bat?
Jun 21, 2021, 8:36 AM
id assume cart/payment, customer order management
Jun 21, 2021, 8:37 AM
I’m not sure i’m not too familiar with Shopify. There’s also various other headless ecommerce platforms available (swell, bigcommerce and a bunch more).
You should also check out hull.dev, it’s a Shopify + Sanity + NextJS ecommerce starter. (
Github link )
Jun 21, 2021, 8:42 AM
Yea Shopify will handle all of the products and checkout stuff
Jun 21, 2021, 8:42 AM
yeah ive just been wondering whats the synergy between shopify and something like sanity/contentful
Jun 21, 2021, 8:44 AM
https://www.swell.is/ is a cool ecommerce platform to watch out for I think. I’m in the process of building a store with NextJS commerce + Swell + Sanity and the developer experience is pretty nice
Jun 21, 2021, 8:46 AM
What Fred said. That’s the reason you’d bring Sanity to a Shopify store.
The reason you’d bring Shopify to a Sanity site is to enable shopping carts, product and inventory management, checkouts, customer management and get access to a vast library of integrations (apps) for things like 3PL, accounting etc.
Jun 21, 2021, 9:19 AM
Thanks a bunch. Never knew about the content modeling within Shopify. Maybe ill sign up for a trial and give it a shot
Jun 21, 2021, 9:28 AM

Sanity– build remarkable experiences at scale

Sanity is a modern headless CMS that treats content as data to power your digital business. Free to get started, and pay-as-you-go on all plans.

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