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Hey guys, I'm trying to use the `@sanity/client` package from a Netlify function but am getting an error only in production, not locally with netlify dev: `Sanity error:ClientError:...

3 replies
Last updated: Apr 25, 2020
Hey guys, I'm trying to use the
package from a Netlify function but am getting an error only in production, not locally with netlify dev:
Sanity error: ClientError: Unauthorized - Session not found

I've created an API token and am passing it with the sanity client calls, so think that the error may have something to do with my CORS Origins configuration? I allowed credentials for a netlify domain like
does that look right? Any help would be much appreciated!
Apr 24, 2020, 8:45 PM
No, CORS should give a different error (and isn't in play for server-server communication, which it sounds like this is - if it's a netlify function).
Sounds like the token isn't passed through properly. Are you sure it's being set?
Apr 24, 2020, 9:17 PM
Espen Hovlandsdal
you got me looking in the right place. Made a new API key just to double check, then ran some tests and I think it's all good now? Sorry to bother but I appreciate the magic friday luck
Apr 24, 2020, 11:40 PM
Happy friday 🎉 Glad you got it working 🙂
Apr 25, 2020, 12:21 AM

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