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Hey guys, does sanity have some kind of caching mechanism on request? im using the `@sanity/client` in a rn app; the issue is, when I edit a document in sanity and then attempt...

10 replies
Last updated: Jan 3, 2021
Hey guys, does sanity have some kind of caching mechanism on request?im using the
in a rn app;the issue is, when I edit a document in sanity and then attempt to fetch that document again, I have to run the fetch exactly two times for it to update; any idea why it doesn't update the first time? (I tried waiting over 5 minutes and will not work on the first fetch)
Jan 3, 2021, 12:56 PM
If you use Nextjs getStaticProps with revalidate, the cache is in Nextjs. The first hit will always serve from cache and the next hit serves the updated response
Jan 3, 2021, 1:59 PM
as far as I understand nextjs is used on react web; I don't have a nextjs dependency in my project, neither does the sanity client; but I think you're definitely on the right track
Jan 3, 2021, 3:39 PM
Are you using the APICDN by any chance? Urls would be like projectid.apicdn.sanity.io/ ...
Jan 3, 2021, 4:56 PM
user A
that was it, thank you
Jan 3, 2021, 5:20 PM
although I had this page opened https://www.sanity.io/docs/api-cdn I didn't see the configuration
usesCdn: true
Jan 3, 2021, 5:20 PM
it doesn't seem to be worth it though; will speak to my client and explain what's happening there
Jan 3, 2021, 5:21 PM
just out of curiosity, im assuming most of the users use the apicdn, the tradeoffs doesn't seem that big
Jan 3, 2021, 5:21 PM
It varies a lot actually. If you can live with slightly stale data we highly recommend it for robustness and latency. But it is a tradeoff against freshness.
Jan 3, 2021, 5:23 PM
Using the api will hit our document stores every time.
Jan 3, 2021, 5:24 PM
is set to 600 seconds, so that is how old content we serve while fetching fresh in the background. If it is older than 600s you will have to wait for fresh content.
Jan 3, 2021, 5:34 PM

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Sanity is a modern headless CMS that treats content as data to power your digital business. Free to get started, and pay-as-you-go on all plans.

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