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Having an issue with `npm run graphql-deploy` throwing an error: Forbidden - Project user “pGJU8tBOF” does not have any ACL for this project This is while walking through...

1 replies
Last updated: Jan 4, 2021
Having an issue with

npm run graphql-deploy

throwing an error:
Forbidden - Project user “pGJU8tBOF” does not have any ACL for this project

This is while walking through the ‘Get started with the Gatsby blog’ tutorial.

More details here:
Any pointers would be appreciated. Can’t find any references online.
Jan 4, 2021, 2:36 PM
Hi BJ! It definitely looks like an access issue in this case. Could you DM me your project ID?
Also, have you tried running
sanity logout && sanity login
in your terminal before trying
npm run graphql-deploy
once more?
Alternatively, you could check if it works when you enter your /studio folder and run
sanity graphql deploy
Jan 4, 2021, 2:42 PM

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