Handling sitemaps for Next.js apps with dynamic pages from Sanity
4 replies
Last updated: Dec 6, 2021
Not so much a "getting started" question, but I am curious how others are handling a sitemap for their Next.js application with dynamic pages from Sanity. I am currently using
next-sitemapbut to pick any new pages up a new release of my app would have to be released. However, there is this snippet from
next-sitemapfor creating dynamic/server-side sitemaps... I just feel it is weird to have 2 sitemaps with duplicate content is just _odd_/wrong.
Dec 4, 2021, 12:28 AM
and a groq query that pulls all my slugs
I’ve set my site up using a blog post from
I hope this helps!
user P
, I’ve been creating my sitemaps using a sitemap.xml.jsxfile in my pages directory. You could add your static pages here too.
import { allSlugsQuery } from '@/data/queries'; import { sanityClient } from '@/lib/sanity.server'; const SiteMap = function () { return <div>loading</div>; }; export async function getServerSideProps({ res }) { const baseUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL; const urls = await sanityClient.fetch(allSlugsQuery); const slugs = urls.map( (page) => ` <loc>${baseUrl}${page.replace('/', '')}</loc> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> <priority>0.7</priority> ` ); const locations = [...slugs]; const createSitemap = () => `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns="<http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9>"> ${locations.map((location) => `<url> ${location}</url>`).join('')} </urlset> `; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); res.write(createSitemap()); res.end(); return { props: {}, }; } export default SiteMap;
// GROQ All Slugs export const allSlugsQuery = ` *[defined(slug.current)][].slug.current `;
user T
that uses Next catch all routes and slugs: https://www.simeongriggs.dev/nextjs-sanity-slug-patterns I hope this helps!
Dec 5, 2021, 10:06 PM
The only thing this doesn't account for in my scenario is having
/authors/[slug]but also
Dec 6, 2021, 4:27 AM
I was running into the same issues when trying figure out my sitemap for Sanity projects.
With help from the the article linked above, I use 1 catch all route for all pages. The articles discusses strategies to define different slug patterns and applying different layouts layouts.
That above sitemap is from this site
https://www.sisucon.com.au/sitemap.xml and it outputs my
With help from the the article linked above, I use 1 catch all route for all pages. The articles discusses strategies to define different slug patterns and applying different layouts layouts.
That above sitemap is from this site
https://www.sisucon.com.au/sitemap.xml and it outputs my
/careers/pages well.
Dec 6, 2021, 4:55 AM
I usually create an api/sitemap function that generates the sitemap xml and then have a redirect called sitemap.xml to that function in next.config.js. No dependencies or build step, it's cacheable and customisable.
I use a catch all route as well, but not 'hard stored' like in the article above. I use a flexible parent based relation (references) for Sanity documents and have a groq sitemap query as the source of truth to resolve all routes. This query is used for the sitemap, next static paths, internal links and a visual sitemap inside sanity.
Routes are really key to your web app, best to have them set up right from the get go rather than as an afterthought.
{ source: '/sitemap.xml', destination: '/api/sitemap' },
Routes are really key to your web app, best to have them set up right from the get go rather than as an afterthought.
Dec 6, 2021, 7:31 PM
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