GraphQL Error: Cannot query field "userSummary"
5 replies
Last updated: Sep 29, 2021
I'm trying to query some new fields added to my documents. These fields are an array of objects with a nested content block.
My initial approach was something like this:
But that results in this error:
I never defined a field with that type, but is that an autogenerated type to hold whatever objects get propagated into the array? Does anyone have any tips for how I can properly query the content? I've tried exploring it in the GraphQL playground but don't know how to query those objects with block content fields (I'm also a bit of a graphQL noob so please be nice)
My initial approach was something like this:
// templates/project.js export const query = graphql` query ProjectTemplateQuery($id: String!) { sampleProject: sanitySampleProject(id: { eq: $id }) { ... projectSummary { userSummary { _rawUserContent } problemSummary { _rawProblemContent } solutionSummary { _rawSolutionContent } tldr { _rawTldrContent } } ... } } `;
Cannot query field "userSummary" on type "SanityProblemSummaryOrSolutionSummaryOrTldrOrUserSummary".With this description
There was an error in your GraphQL query: Cannot query field "userSummary" on type "SanityProblemSummaryOrSolutionSummaryOrTldrOrUserSummary". ... It is recommended to explicitly type your GraphQL schema if you want to use optional fields. This way you don't have to add the mentioned "dummy content". Visit our docs to learn how you can define the schema for "SanityProblemSummaryOrSolutionSummaryOrTldrOrUserSummary":
I never defined a field with that type, but is that an autogenerated type to hold whatever objects get propagated into the array? Does anyone have any tips for how I can properly query the content? I've tried exploring it in the GraphQL playground but don't know how to query those objects with block content fields (I'm also a bit of a graphQL noob so please be nice)
Sep 28, 2021, 3:50 AM
I'm also not super knowledgeable when it comes to GQL, but I can help troubleshoot. Do you have a GQL playground link you can share?
Sep 28, 2021, 7:41 PM
Hey again
So when I run this query, I don't even see
user M
! 👋 Yeah heres my GQL playground . FYI, my repo is based off of the sanity-gatsby-portfoliostarter if thats helpful
So when I run this query, I don't even see
projectSummarycome up (this is the array of objects that each have a portable text field) so that I can better structure the content coming into the page. I do get a response, so the query is functioning, but I'm not sure how to access the array of objects. When I inspect them in sanity studio it doesn't seem like they have
_idslike references, so thats why my initial approach was to nest the field name between brackets
query ProjectTemplateQuery { sampleProject: SampleProject(id: "791d011b-71ab-4a17-96e7-bd442663002e" ) { _id publishedAt categories { _id title } methods { _id name description } relatedProjects { _id title mainImage { asset { _id } alt } slug { current } } mainImage { crop { _key _type top bottom left right } hotspot { _key _type x y height width } asset { _id } alt } title excerptRaw slug { current } myRole client startedAt endedAt devices { _id name image { asset { _id } alt } } projectSummary { __typename } bodyRaw members { _key person { image { crop { _key _type top bottom left right } hotspot { _key _type x y height width } asset { _id } } name } roles } } }
Sep 28, 2021, 8:05 PM
Ok, I think I got it. This is a union type , so in order to access the information inside of that schema you need to use something like this:
projectSummary { __typename ... on ProblemSummary { _type _key problemContentRaw } ... on SolutionSummary { _type _key solutionContentRaw } ... on Tldr { _type _key tldrContentRaw } ... on UserSummary { _type _key userContentRaw } }
Sep 28, 2021, 8:55 PM
Awesome! It works in the GQL Playground!
FYI I had to make some adjustments in the
Now I'm having a bit of a harder time figuring out how to properly render these components in the gatsby front-end.
I'm trying something like this but getting errors:
Currently this is the error I'm getting:
And this suggests to me that the front-end isn't able to see the projectSummary info even though I've passed it through the
FYI I had to make some adjustments in the
templates/project.jsfile where its being applied based on the errors I was receiving and how gatsby handles those graphQL queries for some reason:
... projectSummary { ... on SanityProblemSummary { _type _key _rawProblemContent } ... on SanitySolutionSummary { _type _key _rawSolutionContent } ... on SanityTldr { _type _key _rawTldrContent } ... on SanityUserSummary { _type _key _rawUserContent } } ...
I'm trying something like this but getting errors:
function ProjectSummaryChecker(projectSummaryItem) { const summaryItemType = projectSummaryItem; let output = ''; switch (summaryItemType) { case 'backgroundSummary': output = <BlockContent blocks={projectSummaryItem.backgroundContent || []} /> break; case 'userSummary': output = <BlockContent blocks={projectSummaryItem.userContent || []}/> break; case 'problemSummary': output = <BlockContent blocks={projectSummaryItem.problemContent || []}/> break; case 'solutionSummary': output = <BlockContent blocks={projectSummaryItem.solutionContent || []}/> break; case 'tldr': output = <BlockContent blocks={projectSummaryItem.tldrContent || []}/> break; default: output = `Nothing in ProjectSummary found!` break; } return ( `<section key=${projectSummaryItem}>${output}</section>` ) } function Project(props) { const { _rawBody, _rawExcerpt, projectSummary, title, myRole, client, devices, startedAt, endedAt, categories, mainImage, members, publishedAt, relatedProjects } = props; const monthAndYearRange = projectMonthandYearRange(startedAt, endedAt); const projectSummaryItem = projectSummary.children; return ( ... <main className={styles.mainContent}> <div>{}</div> {_rawBody && <BlockContent blocks={_rawBody || []} />} </main> ... ) }; export default Project;
<section key=undefined>Nothing in ProjectSummary found!</section> is not a function ./src/components/project.js:138 Open in Editor 136 | </section> 137 | <main className={styles.mainContent}> > 138 | <div>{}</div> | ^ 139 | {_rawBody && <BlockContent blocks={_rawBody || []} />} 140 | </main> 141 | {relatedProjects && relatedProjects.length > 0 && (
Sep 29, 2021, 6:05 AM
I got some help from another friend and have been able to successfully render these fields. Thanks! ✅
Sep 29, 2021, 7:05 PM
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