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```Got this error and studio won't start up at all.. have no idea where it can come from either: sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: events.js:174 sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:...

3 replies
Last updated: Jan 24, 2021
Got this error and studio won't start up at all.. have no idea where it can come from either:
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: events.js:174
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:       throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:       ^
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:     at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1279:14)
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:     at listenInCluster (net.js:1327:12)
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:     at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.doListen [as callback] (net.js:1460:7)
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:     at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:61:10)
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: Emitted 'error' event at:
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1306:8)
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio:     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! errno 1
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! sanity-gatsby-blog-studio@1.0.13 dev: `sanity start`
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! Exit status 1
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! 
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! Failed at the sanity-gatsby-blog-studio@1.0.13 dev script.
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
sanity-gatsby-blog-studio: npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
Jan 23, 2021, 11:19 PM
Looks like it’s already running or that something else is serving from port 3333
Jan 24, 2021, 3:24 AM
Pro-tip: If you 're on macOS, you can run
lsof -ti :3333 | xargs kill -9
to close the process on port 3333. Sometimes it can hang in there even if you quit the terminal.
Jan 24, 2021, 8:33 AM
Pro-tip: If you 're on macOS, you can run
lsof -ti :3333 | xargs kill -9
to close the process on port 3333. Sometimes it can hang in there even if you quit the terminal.
Jan 24, 2021, 8:33 AM

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