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Error message when updating to studio version 2.2.3

3 replies
Last updated: Jan 26, 2021
I just updated the studio to
and I have this error as soon I open a document 👀
Jan 26, 2021, 6:19 PM
Component stack below:
Jan 26, 2021, 6:20 PM
Same here
Jan 26, 2021, 6:20 PM
I too updated locally to
and got this message
The above error occurred in the <Card> component:
    in Card (created by DocumentPanel)
    in DocumentPanel (created by DocumentPane)
    in div (created by DocumentPane)
    in div (created by ForwardRef(ScrollContainer))
    in ForwardRef(ScrollContainer) (created by EnabledChangeConnectorRoot)
    in Tracker (created by EnabledChangeConnectorRoot)
    in EnabledChangeConnectorRoot (created by DocumentPane)
    in div (created by KeyboardShortcutResponder)
    in KeyboardShortcutResponder (created by GetHookCollectionState)
    in GetHookCollectionState (created by RenderActionCollectionState)
    in RenderActionCollectionState (created by DocumentActionShortcuts)
    in DocumentActionShortcuts (created by DocumentPane)
    in DocumentPane (created by DocumentPaneProvider)
    in DocumentHistoryProvider (created by DocumentPaneProvider)
    in DocumentPaneProvider
    in StreamingComponent
    in StreamingComponent (created by Context.Consumer)
    in WithInitialValueWrapper (created by DeskToolPane)
    in DeskToolPane (created by DeskToolPanes)
    in SplitPaneWrapper (created by DeskToolPanes)
    in div (created by Pane)
    in Pane (created by SplitPane)
    in div (created by SplitPane)
    in SplitPane (created by PanesSplitController)
    in div (created by PanesSplitController)
    in div (created by Pane)
    in Pane (created by SplitPane)
    in div (created by SplitPane)
    in SplitPane (created by PanesSplitController)
    in div (created by PanesSplitController)
    in PanesSplitController (created by DeskToolPanes)
    in div (created by DeskToolPanes)
    in DeskToolPanes (created by DeskTool)
    in DeskTool (created by withRouter(DeskTool))
    in withRouter(DeskTool) (created by DeskToolPaneStateSyncer)
    in DeskToolPaneStateSyncer (created by DeskTool)
    in DeskToolFeaturesProvider (created by DeskTool)
    in DeskTool (created by RenderTool)
    in RenderTool (created by SchemaErrorReporter)
    in RouteScope (created by SchemaErrorReporter)
    in div (created by SchemaErrorReporter)
    in div (created by SchemaErrorReporter)
    in div (created by SchemaErrorReporter)
    in SchemaErrorReporter (created by DefaultLayout)
    in DefaultLayout (created by withRouter(DefaultLayout))
    in withRouter(DefaultLayout) (created by DefaultLayoutRoot)
    in RouterProvider (created by DefaultLayoutRoot)
    in LoginWrapper (created by DefaultLayoutRoot)
    in DefaultLayoutRoot (created by AppProvider)
    in div (created by styled.div)
    in styled.div (created by Box)
    in Box (created by Styled(Box))
    in Styled(Box) (created by Card)
    in Ge (created by ThemeProvider)
    in ThemeProvider (created by ThemeColorProvider)
    in ThemeColorProvider (created by Card)
    in Card (created by Styled(Card))
    in Styled(Card) (created by AppProvider)
    in SnackbarProvider (created by AppProvider)
    in LayerProvider (created by AppProvider)
    in PortalProvider (created by AppProvider)
    in UserColorManagerProvider (created by AppProvider)
    in AppProvider (created by SanityRoot)
    in Ge (created by ThemeProvider)
    in ThemeProvider (created by SanityRoot)
    in SanityRoot
    in AppContainer

React will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, RenderTool. react_devtools_backend.js:2430:23
Jan 26, 2021, 10:55 PM

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