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Discussing Sanity and Shopify integration, speed optimization, and alternatives

4 replies
Last updated: Sep 9, 2021
So SHOPIFY and SPEED - yes, im sure you know that already and its the opposites of each other like fire and water .. now the thing is I'm wondering if Sanity can provide a speed optimization somehow without the Shopify headless solution and how Prima (which is using sanity) have nice speed when the google speed test and pingdom showing the opposite and saying its not really true... Also there is a way to keep everything in shopify or i will need to use Sanity as a frontend and shopify as a backend. Clarification will help, thanks
Sep 9, 2021, 12:55 AM
You’ve come to the right place to ask these questions.
First off, Sanity doesn’t have a frontend. That would be provided by you (or your developer). Sanity is a headless solution, so you wouldn’t be able to use it with Shopify without headless. Both Sanity and Shopify will be backend services that your frontend connects to. That frontend can be created using any frontend framework.

The way Sanity fits into a Shopify stack is to provide a more flexible home for your content. Most of the time this means all pages except product and collection pages are created in Sanity, including blog posts. Sometimes it means you extend the product pages with additional information as well. Shopify then takes on the role of PIM (Product Information Management) to handle things such as inventory, shipping and transactions as well as integrations with other services.

Google page speed has made some changes in the last year on how they rank the speed of sites. Sites that would rate 100 across all categories a year ago are now seeing rates in the 20s. Your visitors may still experience a fast site however, especially for clicking around (if you click around on Prima you’ll notice near instant page transitions) but Google only measures the initial page load and their recent changes seem to penalize JavaScript heavily, especially on mobile. Imo Google page speed isn’t that important a metric. Yes, you should pay attention to it, but your content and the UX provided once on your site and your customers move around is far more important.

There are a few Sanity starters that connect with Shopify. They could be a good starting point for you to get something up and running, but will require some technical knowledge. You can then either learn it as you go, or hire someone to help you out (the
jobs channel here is a good place to look for a qualified dev).
Hope some of this helps.
Sep 9, 2021, 1:51 AM
Hi, thanks for your response, I'm wondering if builder.io will work like a page builder with sanity to save some extra costs that aren't needed. Also, there is some YouTube video you are recommended to watch to understand deeper about this Sanity solution with Shopify? ------Also how Sanity is different from the competition, let's say Vercel/Netlify/Contentful etc ?
Sep 9, 2021, 12:14 PM
Hey User! I'm not totally certain that Builder would work, but their docs do have some information on adding data via an API so that's promising. I'd suggest doing a some research there before taking the plunge!
user S
mentioned, I think it may be best for you to give one of these ecommerce starters a try. They'll give you a deployed frontend and a functional studio fairly quickly. There's also a guide you can follow to create a Sanity/Shopify/Next.js site here .
Regarding competitors, it's important to note that Netlify and Vercel are hosting services, not content platforms. You can even host your Studio on Netlify or Vercel! I'm biased when it comes to Contentful, but I would say that we offer much more flexibility in content modeling and usage, even on the free tier.
Sep 9, 2021, 4:42 PM
Ok thanks, for sure i will check it hope soon if there is something special i need to know will be happy to hear ...thanks again
Sep 9, 2021, 9:41 PM

Sanity– build remarkable experiences at scale

Sanity is a modern headless CMS that treats content as data to power your digital business. Free to get started, and pay-as-you-go on all plans.

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