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Desk tool crashing when converting schema to Sanity V3, solved by removing empty "media" tag.

7 replies
Last updated: Feb 12, 2023
Hi there! I'm converting our current V2 Studio to Sanity V3. Everything is working great, except with one specific schema (our post schema) the desk tool is crashing and I have no idea why. The debugging message is not helpful; seems to be something with vite?• it works in our V2 studio, but not in V3
â—¦ Am currently setting up the V3 studio into it's own repo from our monorepo so I'm able to see both.
• Nothing has changed in terms of content, I've copied all of the schema files over and viewing all other content in the studio works great except this one.
• Specific error screenshot in thread.
✅ Solved! Solution: Make sure your
properties in preview
functions aren't empty. Used to fly in V2, no longer in V3.
Jan 30, 2023, 10:43 PM
What does the schema for this look like?
Jan 30, 2023, 10:44 PM
Hi RD!
export default {
  name: 'post',
  title: 'Post',
  type: 'document',
  groups: [
      name: 'main',
      title: 'Main',
      default: true,
      name: 'seo',
      title: 'SEO',
  fields: [
      name: 'meta',
      title: 'Meta infomation',
      type: 'metaObject',
      group: 'seo',
      name: 'title',
      title: 'Title',
      type: 'string',
      validation: (Rule) => Rule.required(),
      group: 'main',
      name: 'slug',
      title: 'Slug',
      type: 'slug',
      options: {
        source: 'title',
        maxLength: 96,
        'Click generate to auto-generate a slug based on the title. Slug is used for the URL of the page. Once a slug is created it should not be modified. In the event a slug must be modified, a task will need to be created for the fronted team to put in a redirect.',
      validation: (Rule) => Rule.required(),
      group: 'main',
      name: 'publishedAt',
      title: 'Published at',
      type: 'datetime',
      validation: (Rule) => Rule.required(),
      group: 'main',
    // {
    //   name: 'author',
    //   title: 'Author',
    //   type: 'reference',
    //   to: { type: 'author' },
    // },
      name: 'useYtThumbnail',
      title: 'Use YouTube Thumbnail as Post Thumbnail',
      type: 'boolean',
        'If toggled on, the thumbnail from the Youtube video will be used as the main image for the post.',
      group: 'main',
      initialValue: false,
      name: 'mainImage',
      title: 'Post Thumbnail',
        'This image will be used as the thumbnail for the post on the blog index.',
      type: 'image',
      group: 'main',
      hidden: ({ document }) => document.useYtThumbnail,
      name: 'categories',
      title: 'Categories',
      type: 'array',
      of: [{ type: 'reference', to: { type: 'category' } }],
      group: 'main',
      name: 'excerpt',
      title: 'Excerpt',
      type: 'text',
        'The text that will be displayed on the blog listings page. If no description is set, the first 120 characters of the body will be used.',
      group: 'main',
      rows: 3,
      name: 'body',
      title: 'Body',
      type: 'blockContent',
      group: 'main',

  preview: {
    select: {
      title: 'title',
      author: 'author.name',
    prepare({ title, subtitle }) {
      return {
        title: title,
        subtitle: subtitle,
        media: '',
Jan 30, 2023, 10:45 PM
Ope I think I just solved it -
user M
deleting the empty "media" tag did the trick! I JUST noticed that, hahaha thank you.
Jan 30, 2023, 10:47 PM
Oh great! Was just about to spin up a version of this 🙂 Glad you got it sorted!
Jan 30, 2023, 10:47 PM
Thank you!!
Jan 30, 2023, 10:48 PM
You’re welcome!
Jan 30, 2023, 10:48 PM
I got exactly the same
user E
, you are sure that you have renamed the doc schemas from .js to .jsx? (which I hadn’t) because it works fine with
media: ''
Feb 12, 2023, 11:32 PM

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