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Converting SVG to raster format using Sanity asset pipeline

7 replies
Last updated: Apr 23, 2020
I know its a bit of a random scenario, but if I wanted to convert an SVG to a raster format (webp, jpg, png, whatever) would the Sanity asset pipeline let me do this? Use-case is where theres a complicated-as-heck vector illustration where the raster would be a smaller filesize.
Apr 23, 2020, 5:01 AM
Apr 23, 2020, 5:03 AM
. Cheers. I was writing
Apr 23, 2020, 5:04 AM
Thanks Knut!
Apr 23, 2020, 5:04 AM
Apr 23, 2020, 5:04 AM
Apr 23, 2020, 5:03 AM
You can set background colors as well
Apr 23, 2020, 5:05 AM
Yeah turns out I was changing URLs while reading the docs for the JS helper lib, absolutely my bad đź‘Ť
Apr 23, 2020, 5:05 AM

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