Joshua Woods
Joshua a software/UX developer with a passion for creating websites and applications that focus on the human experience.
Joshua is located at Dallas, Texas
This is a simple starting off point to allow users to organize a page
import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity';
export default defineType({
name: 'page',
title: 'Page',
type: 'document',
fields: [
name: 'title',
title: 'Title',
type: 'string',
validation: (Rule) => Rule.required(),
name: 'components',
title: 'Components',
type: 'array',
of: [
{ type: 'textComponent' },
{ type: 'richTextComponent' },
{ type: 'imageComponent' },
{ type: 'linkComponent' },
import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity';
export default defineType({
name: 'textComponent',
title: 'Text Component',
type: 'object',
fields: [
name: 'text',
title: 'Text',
type: 'text',
import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity';
export default defineType({
name: 'richTextComponent',
title: 'Rich Text Component',
type: 'object',
fields: [
name: 'richText',
title: 'Rich Text',
type: 'array',
of: [{ type: 'block' }],
import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity';
export default defineType({
name: 'imageComponent',
title: 'Image Component',
type: 'object',
fields: [
name: 'image',
title: 'Image',
type: 'image',
options: {
hotspot: true,
import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity';
export default defineType({
name: 'linkComponent',
title: 'Link Component',
type: 'object',
fields: [
name: 'title',
title: 'Title',
type: 'string',
name: 'url',
title: 'URL',
type: 'url',
"This starter allows users to create a simple page. To customize the page, you can add new schemas under the 'of' array in the 'Main Component' field. This gives you the flexibility to define additional components according to your specific needs."
Joshua a software/UX developer with a passion for creating websites and applications that focus on the human experience.