William Iommi
Junior/Senior/Lead Frontend @ Syskoplan Reply IT
William is located at Milan, Italy
A little 'hack' when you work on custom Document actions
const DividerAction = () => {
return {
label: '------------------------',
disabled: true,
export default DividerAction;
const TitleSectionAction = () => {
return {
label: 'My Section',
disabled: true,
export default TitleSectionAction;
import DividerAction from './DividerAction';
import TitleAction from './TitleAction';
import CustomAction1 from './CustomAction1';
import CustomAction2 from './CustomAction2';
export default defineConfig({
// ... other configuration
document: {
actions: (prev, context) => {
prev.splice(1, 0, TitleAction);
prev.splice(2, 0, CustomAction1);
prev.splice(3, 0, CustomAction2);
prev.splice(4, 0, SpacerAction);
return prev;
// ... other configuration
I don't know if there is a better or proper way to do it but my end goal was to visually separate my custom actions from the default ones.
With this little 'hack' I'm able to have a separate section with my custom actions defined.
In sanity.config file, my custom actions start from index 1 (screenshot).
Junior/Senior/Lead Frontend @ Syskoplan Reply IT
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