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Sanity vs Strapi

Meet Sanity: a customizable alternative to Strapi

Trusted by leading digital innovators

The results are in

Sanity is ranked #1 out of 85 CMSes on G2

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illustration of G2 grid for headless CMS with Sanity in the leading position

There are so many exciting combinations that PUMA can create with Sanity. Now that we have a structure, it’s infinitely scalable.

A portrait of Bettina Donmez
Bettina Donmez
E-Commerce Platform Development
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Why choose Sanity over Strapi?

See full comparison report→
A chart showing comparison of Sanity and Strapi features
Builder talk webinar

Hear the story behind Lady Gaga's digital experience

See the Sanity difference

Customizable editing environment

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No-ops storage and delivery

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Centralize content and context

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State of web development survey 2024

Sanity rated #1 in CMS satisfaction by over 7,000 developers

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an advertisement for netlify the state of web development
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Don't just take our word for it

Sanity has set the new standard for managing content

Being experienced with CMSes like Contentful, Craft, Wordpress, Strapi, when using Sanity it feels like most of the annoying aspects of all those platforms have been considered and solved...What's most *surprisingly* great about Sanity is how thorough it is in its approach – from its well-documented developer experience to its minimalistic and user-friendly user interface.

Simon Riisnæs Dagfinrud
Creative Developer
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At first, we wanted to use Strapi. However, we noticed with this decision, we would have to maintain our own build server, hosting and networking solutions.

We saw that we could greatly simplify our architecture if we went with Jamstack approach utilizing CMS as a Service Sanity and Netlify as our hosting platform.

A portrait of Michał Mrozowski
Michał Mrozowski
Engineering Manager @ 10Clouds
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Last night I stopped to evaluate Sanity because I want to create a tech blog. 5 hours later, I already had a full-featured content management blogging system!

I like Sanity's simplicity. Productivity is unbeatable compared to Contentful and Strapi.

A portrait of Fabio Vedovelli
Fabio Vedovelli
CEO @ Evergreen Treinamentos
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Platform Overview

Sanity's Content Operating System

Sanity Studio

→Explore Sanity Studio

Content Lake

→Explore Content Lake


→Explore developer docs

Make content your competitive advantage