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Slick's Slices / Master Gatsby

By Wes Bos

The demo website for the course Master Gatsby

An interactive, pizza-ordering dynamic form.
A paginated list of employees

About the project

The Slick’s Slices website is the end-result creation of the Master Gatsby course by Wes Bos. The course itself teaches all the core concepts that make modern web development powerful: progressive images, serverless functions, reusable components, dynamic forms, and of course, pulling data from Sanity.

The Slick's Slices website is built using Gatsby and Sanity and deployed to Netlify. The site contains a restaurant menu, a paginated employee list, and an interactive "Order Ahead" form for online orders.

If you want to learn how to build a site like this, you can sign up for the Master Gatsby course.

If you want to dig into the code, you can clone the repository on GitHub.
