Next.js Conf 2024: Your app should be Live by Default – Watch Keynote

Quality Pump Service

By Matthew Rhoads

Easy to update landing page

hero section
services section
about us section
service area section
Home screen in the studio
services section
service area

About the project

This site replaces an outdated and underperforming website that was previously built with a wsiwyg editor. The client wanted a simple landing page highlighting the services offered, and their service radius. Making the site easy to update and manage was a priority. The site was built using Next.js, Sanity, Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion.

One of the benefits of moving over to Sanity is the separation of concerns between design and content thus lowering the barrier of entry around creating and updating content. Making the studio as approachable as possible also included use of the structureTool.


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