Roboto Studio
The best editorial experiences on the web
New edge server side rendering with Sanity to see what peak performance looks like
We tested Next.js 12.2 Edge Server-Rendering to see the performance gains with using Sanity. We took initial inspiration from the fireship video here, but specifically we were curious to see if we would see similar results with Sanity. What we found was pretty impressive. From a cold start, we found the node.js SSR could take up to 1.5 seconds, whereas we were getting fairly consistent sub 0.7 seconds on the new edge SSR
The best editorial experiences on the web
Old faithful, but built in the app router. Testing out the latest and greatest features on our own website, now, with added purple.
Go to Roboto StudioBuilding a lightning-fast credit card comparison platform in 6 weeks flat with Next.js and Sanity
Go to Money AtlasWe consulted Savory & Partners: boosting Lighthouse scores from 60 to 90+, migrating to Tailwind & optimising the hell out of GROQ
Go to Savory & PartnersBuilding incredible editorial experiences for the independent Shopify specialists
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