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By Dan Manchester

Marketing site for a leading clean energy provider, built using Sanity, Remix, and Netlify.

Screenshots of the Green Innovation, Home, and Career pages.
Various pages from the project on small screens.
Screenshot of the interactive projects map, utilizing a clickable SVG map of the contiguous United States and a scrollable overlay of projects. Specific locations are necessarily obscured for security reasons.
Screenshot showing the edit screen for the homepage as well as the rest of the desktop structure
Screenshot showing the homepage carousel component being edited beside a live preview screen, as well as the rest of the desktop structure
Screenshot of a team member's Q&A component being edited
A fullscreen screenshot of a blog post's edit screen, including featured image, referenced author, referenced categories, and template options.
Screenshot of a page edit screen with a portion of the page builder options visible. The project launched with 26 components available for authors to choose from in the page builder.

About the project

This project is a marketing site for the rebranding of Avantus, a clean energy provider building an integrated network of smart power plants. The client wanted a clean, intuitive editing experience to pair with their new brand. Working with the project’s designers at Studio Rover, we quickly settled on Sanity for content management and decided to pair it with Remix for the back- and front-end and Netlify for hosting, deployments, and CDN.

As the project was still evolving slightly during development, being able to programmatically define schema and alter them as needed without suffering either churn or long development cycles was critical to the success of the project. Additionally, being able to allow for different variations of a single content type within one schema was especially helpful. For instance, we were able to allow the post document type to house blog posts, case studies, and project profiles, hiding and showing inputs unique to each selected type based on the selection. Being able to build bi-directional relationships between content types was essential as well, allowing for intuitive and easy editing experiences for the client and easy querying and presentation of data on the front end.

Perhaps the biggest win with the client was the twenty-six components available at launch for authors to seamlessly choose from when editing a page. This allowed for maximum flexibility in design and presentation, as well as the ability to leave certain components off a page if content was still being sourced without holding up launch or sacrificing the larger impact of that page.

Combining the live preview capabilities of Sanity with the Remix environment and Netlify’s CDN means the client can preview edits in real time before publication then expect to see them almost instantly on the live site once published—all while still knowing the site is cached and server rendered for users, helping with performance, SEO, and the client’s confidence in the product.
