Cats widget
Random cats for obvious reasons
Go to Cats widgetDisplay a chart giving you a rough count of your various document types.
This plugin only works with an older version of Sanity Studio (v2), which is deprecated.
Learn how to migrate to the new Studio v3 →A widget for the Sanity Content Studio Dashboard which displays a barchart giving a count of your doument types
Disclaimer: This widget is intended as proof of concept/example for building your own Sanity dashboard plugins. It's so feature-incomplete that there are more empty checkboxes on this repo than there are neurons in a cephalopd brain 🦑
cd <my-studio-folder>
sanity install dashboard-widget-document-chart
Then add something like to your dashboardConfig.js
name: 'document-chart',
options: {types: ['post', 'author', 'sanity.imageAsset']},
layout: {width: 'full'}
Swap those types for whichever types you have in your Studio, and want to render in this chart.
There's more on how to configure your dashboard at
Random cats for obvious reasons
Go to Cats widgetUse the LaTex format to describe math and other complicated typography.
Go to LaTex input