metamanager SEO plugin
A SEO plugin to enable better control of HTML meta tags and schema markup deployment.
Metamanager React SEO
Meta tag update & schema markup/structured data deployment for your React/Next.js frontend.
SaaS-solution for search engine optimization (SEO)
metamanager platform is connected to websites in order to update meta tags (title, description...) and insert schema markup/structured data for each internal page/URL.
As a frontend developer your can create your account and manage websites in which you want to implement this plugin... And let webmarketers doing the rest of the job: meta tag & schema markup edition...
- Meta/structured data download (secured operation)
- Server-side rendering (SSR)
- <title /> & <meta description /> inserted within HTML tag
- <script application/ld+json /> inserted within body tag
You can install Metamanager React SEO via NPM:
npm i @metamanager/react-seo
Import @metamanager/react-seo in 4 steps into your React/Next.js project.
1. Wrapping your application in a SEO helmet provider
Set 3 properties for the provider:
- context: Metamanager context
- webSiteId: ID of the website (supplied from the platform)
- authToken: API token (supplied from the platform)
import { HelmetProvider } from "@metamanager/react-seo";
import { metamanagerContext } from "../context";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<HelmetProvider context={metamanagerContext} webSiteId={process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID} authToken={process.env.MM_TOKEN}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
2. Initializing an context object to store the Metamanager data
Initialize the Metamanager context here:
import { HelmetContextData } from "@metamanager/react-seo";
export const metamanagerContext : HelmetContextData={};
3. Meta tags & schema markup insertion (SSR)
Fetch & display meta tags & schema markup in the document template:
import { metamanagerContext } from "../context";
import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";
import { ReactNode } from "react";
export default function Document() {
render() {
return (
<Html lang="en">
<Head />
{metamanagerContext?.helmet?.title?.toComponent() as ReactNode}
{metamanagerContext?.helmet?.meta?.toComponent() as ReactNode}
{metamanagerContext?.helmet?.script?.toComponent() as ReactNode}
<Main />
<NextScript />
4. Page file customization
Import & insert SEO Helmet component from @metamanager/react-seo to display meta tags & schema markups for the relevant page path.
import { withMetaManagerSEO, withMetamanagerStaticProps, MetamanagerNextPage } from "@metamanager/react-seo";
const Home: MetamanagerNextPage<{}> = ({ path, apiData}) => {
return (
<main>Add your components here...</main>
export default withMetaManagerSEO(Home);
export const getStaticProps = withMetamanagerStaticProps<{}>(
() => {
return { props: { path: "/", } };
}, {
webSiteId: process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID,
authToken: process.env.MM_AUTH_TOKEN
import { withMetaManagerSEO, withMetamanagerStaticProps, MetamanagerPageProps } from "@metamanager/react-seo";
import { GetStaticProps } from "next";
export default function AnyPage() {
return (
<main>Add your components here...</main>
export default withMetaManagerSEO(AnyPage);
export const getStaticPaths = () => {
const pageList = new Webpage(process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID);
const urls = pageList.sort();
return {
paths: urls?.filter(i => i.url !== '/')?.map(i => ({ params: { path: i.url?.startsWith('/') ? i.url.slice(1).split('/') : i.url.split('/') } })) ?? [],
fallback: false
const retriveStaticProps : GetStaticProps<MetamanagerPageProps<{}>, { path : string[]}> =({ params }) => {
return {
props: {
path: params?.path?.join('/')?.startsWith('/') ? params?.path?.join('/') : '/' + params?.path?.join('/')
export const getStaticProps = withMetamanagerStaticProps<{}>(retriveStaticProps, {
webSiteId: process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID,
authToken: process.env.MM_AUTH_TOKEN
Subscription to the service
To make the plugin work, an account must be created in
This platform allows users to work on meta data and schema markup which will be sent to your website. You will also receive the website ID & API token to configure the plugin.