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metamanager SEO plugin

A SEO plugin to enable better control of HTML meta tags and schema markup deployment.


Metamanager React SEO

Meta tag update & schema markup/structured data deployment for your React/Next.js frontend.

SaaS-solution for search engine optimization (SEO)

metamanager platform is connected to websites in order to update meta tags (title, description...) and insert schema markup/structured data for each internal page/URL.

As a frontend developer your can create your account and manage websites in which you want to implement this plugin... And let webmarketers doing the rest of the job: meta tag & schema markup edition...


  • Meta/structured data download (secured operation)
  • Server-side rendering (SSR)
  • <title /> & <meta description /> inserted within HTML tag
  • <script application/ld+json /> inserted within body tag


You can install Metamanager React SEO via NPM:

npm i @metamanager/react-seo


Import @metamanager/react-seo in 4 steps into your React/Next.js project.

1. Wrapping your application in a SEO helmet provider

Set 3 properties for the provider:

  • context: Metamanager context
  • webSiteId: ID of the website (supplied from the platform)
  • authToken: API token (supplied from the platform)


import { HelmetProvider } from "@metamanager/react-seo";
import { metamanagerContext } from "../context";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
    return (
        <HelmetProvider context={metamanagerContext} webSiteId={process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID} authToken={process.env.MM_TOKEN}>
            <Component {...pageProps} />

2. Initializing an context object to store the Metamanager data

Initialize the Metamanager context here:


import { HelmetContextData } from "@metamanager/react-seo";

export const metamanagerContext : HelmetContextData={};

3. Meta tags & schema markup insertion (SSR)

Fetch & display meta tags & schema markup in the document template:


import { metamanagerContext } from "../context";
import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";
import { ReactNode } from "react";

export default function Document() {
    render() {
        return (
            <Html lang="en">
                <Head />
                {metamanagerContext?.helmet?.title?.toComponent() as ReactNode}
                {metamanagerContext?.helmet?.meta?.toComponent() as ReactNode}
                {metamanagerContext?.helmet?.script?.toComponent() as ReactNode}
                    <Main />
                    <NextScript />

4. Page file customization

Import & insert SEO Helmet component from @metamanager/react-seo to display meta tags & schema markups for the relevant page path.


import { withMetaManagerSEO,  withMetamanagerStaticProps, MetamanagerNextPage } from "@metamanager/react-seo";

const Home: MetamanagerNextPage<{}> = ({ path, apiData}) => {
  return (
      <main>Add your components here...</main>

export default withMetaManagerSEO(Home);

export const getStaticProps = withMetamanagerStaticProps<{}>(
    () => {
        return { props: { path: "/", } };
    }, {
        webSiteId: process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID,
        authToken: process.env.MM_AUTH_TOKEN


import { withMetaManagerSEO,  withMetamanagerStaticProps, MetamanagerPageProps } from "@metamanager/react-seo";
import { GetStaticProps } from "next";

export default function AnyPage() {
  return (
      <main>Add your components here...</main>

export default withMetaManagerSEO(AnyPage);

export const getStaticPaths = () => {
    const pageList = new Webpage(process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID);
    const urls = pageList.sort();
    return {
        paths: urls?.filter(i => i.url !== '/')?.map(i => ({ params: { path: i.url?.startsWith('/') ? i.url.slice(1).split('/') : i.url.split('/') } })) ?? [],
        fallback: false

const retriveStaticProps : GetStaticProps<MetamanagerPageProps<{}>, { path : string[]}> =({ params }) => {
    return {
        props: {
            path: params?.path?.join('/')?.startsWith('/') ? params?.path?.join('/') : '/' + params?.path?.join('/')

export const getStaticProps = withMetamanagerStaticProps<{}>(retriveStaticProps, {
    webSiteId: process.env.MM_WEBSITE_ID,
    authToken: process.env.MM_AUTH_TOKEN



Subscription to the service

To make the plugin work, an account must be created in https://metamanager.io.

This platform allows users to work on meta data and schema markup which will be sent to your website. You will also receive the website ID & API token to configure the plugin.

Install command

npm i @metamanager/react-seo